Want to blow up little wimp's head

Teacher Wanwan cheated, he plagiarized!

This sentence resounded in the classroom, and everyone turned to look at Yue tingfeng.

Yue tingfeng sat there without even blinking. At that moment, he was thinking that he should thank Xia Anlan for being trained to remain calm when he was with him! If this was in the past, he would have smashed this little brat's head.

Copying your sister, you brainless thing. Didn't you hear the teacher say that he was the only one in the class who got a full score?

Tsk, who could get full marks in copying? What a brainless thing. Did his brain get flooded when his mother gave birth to him?

Under the attention of the entire class, Yue tingfeng's expression did not change at all. The corners of his lips still seemed to carry a smile that was not a smile. That calmness and calmness made Mr. Zhang feel that this child had the air of a great general and would definitely become a great person in the future.