I will cripple his hand next time.

Xia Anlan's words were especially infuriating. Anyone with a temper would probably want to kill him after hearing those words. He was too shameless.

Teacher Wu was afraid that they would start a fight again, so she quickly continued the previous topic.""Even though I went off topic just now, I think it's necessary. Yue tingfeng did not plagiarize, and I believe that those are his true results. But I also know that miracles are hard to believe. I believe that time will slowly prove that Yue tingfeng's results are true."

"There was already a commotion in class yesterday. It was your children who took the lead. Today, Yue tingfeng's books were scribbled. I don't think it was a prank. It was a very bad mood. The people who were involved have already admitted to it. They are now standing outside the classroom as punishment ..."

"That doesn't mean ..."