Wife, have mercy.

The expression on you Yi's face was hard to describe. 'I'll go back tonight and teach him a lesson.' He was both happy and sad when he heard that.

He looked at nie qiuping with hidden bitterness and begged for mercy,""Honey, can you show some mercy?"

"No," nie qiuping said without mercy.

Yue tingfeng heard their conversation. He wanted to laugh, but in his current situation, he really could not.

All he could care about now was panting. He was simply too tired. He felt as if his entire body was a sponge that had been wrung dry, and he could not squeeze out even a single drop of water.

Qingsi was worried about Yue tingfeng. Her face was full of anxiety as she held his arm. "Brother tingfeng, how are you now? Are you alright? Can you walk home? "

Yue tingfeng shook his head with difficulty. He wanted to speak, but he was too tired to make a sound.