I admit defeat, you are more powerful!

Lu xiuche gritted his teeth. Why was this person so annoying?

"Again?" Yue tingfeng asked.

"Of course ... Of course I'm coming ..." Lu xiuche was not convinced of his loss. He was not willing to accept it. Before he came, he was full of confidence and vowed that he was determined to win against Yue tingfeng. But now, it was the complete opposite.

He did not believe that Yue tingfeng was better than him in every aspect.

Lu xiuche didn't believe in heresy, but ... There were some things in this world that couldn't be fulfilled. The more you didn't believe in heresy, the more things would go against your wishes.

After losing a few times in a row, the bodyguard wanted to persuade Lu xiuche to stop."You see, you can't win at all. You should stop."

Lu xiuche's eyes were already red from the blow. He couldn't believe how he had lost so badly.

Why did Yue tingfeng know everything? why was he able to play every game so well?