Lu xiuche, I'm asking you to come out and die.

It would probably be a patch of blue and purple tomorrow morning. Sigh, how am I going to go to school?

However, he had no choice but to go. He had to see Yue tingfeng.

Lu xiuche ran into the bathroom and leaned in close to the mirror. He looked at his comical face and suddenly felt a little dejected. What was he going to do tomorrow?


The next day, Yue tingfeng woke up at six in the morning as usual and followed you Yi for his morning run. Now, he could run for ten minutes more than before. Although it was not an hour as you Yi had requested, it was at least close.

However, after running, the muscles in his legs still ached a little.

However, Yue tingfeng could tolerate all of this. He was trying his best to make himself stronger.

That was why, no matter how strict you Yi's expectations were, he would not say anything. He would do his best to fulfill them.