Kiss, do you want a heart?

It was only after he came up that Yue tingfeng realized that the room was sealed. He could not get out, and his original plan was useless. He saw the props in the room and thought of an idea.

This place was like a laboratory. There were many glass containers with brains, hearts, limbs, and other containers that looked like human bodies. Of course, they were all fake and not real.

Thus, Yue tingfeng and Lu xiuche pretended to be dead. They picked up the fake blood on the table and poured it on Lu xiuche. Then, they made him reveal his chest and took out the fake heart from the vessel. They then smeared blood on their own bodies and faces.

When the men came up, he slowly turned around, his hands covered in blood. He acted as if he had just dug out Lu xiuche's heart from his chest. He smiled at the men and said sinisterly,""Do you want to try? It's fresh!"