With her around, every day will be sunny

Xia Anlan looked at su ningmei and smiled gently."Very soon. In two days, I'll bring aunt to visit you and your mother, as well as Grandpa and Grandma."

Su ningmei covered her face. Aiya, in the blink of an eye, she was already the Xia family's daughter-in-law. She was going to meet her in-laws soon. She was so nervous and shy.

"That's great, uncle," qingsi replied,"from now on, you're my brother tingfeng's father. You have to be good to him too. You can't bully him."

Yue tingfeng, who was in a bad mood, felt his heart skip a beat when he heard that. He could not help but lift his head and look at the young lady who was smiling brightly.

In the entire family, including the adults, she was the only one who thought of him at this time. She was the only one who said that she wanted Xia Anlan to be good to him.