The whole family is counting on you.

The Meng family did not know you Yi and were not sure of his relationship with master Xia. They did not dare to speak up, but there was a crowd of people around.

The Meng family's complaints were indeed widespread in this neighborhood. There were too many people who had opinions about his family.

As soon as they heard that the Meng family had been defeated, those who had grudges with them all ran over to see the Meng family's face.

There was a middle-aged woman in the crowd who recognized you Yi. She came forward and said,""Xiao you, you're finally back. Let me tell you, something big happened in your family today."

You Yi raised an eyebrow."Something big ... Are you talking about the fence and the door of my house?"

Before he got out of the car, he saw that the fence and door were gone. He was a little surprised.