Young master Yue is here to send warmth

Outside, the sound of firecrackers could be heard one after another, and a few fireworks were blooming in the distant sky. It was as if he could hear the laughter from other people's houses.

Other people's New Year's Eve, his ...

Lu xiuche couldn't help but sneer. Other people's family, his family ... How ironic.

His phone was out of battery. He knew that there were countless missed calls, but he really didn't want to talk to any of them. He didn't want to hear any of their voices.

Lu xiuche didn't know how long he had been sitting there. His legs were numb and his body was cold. He tried to stand up and slowly walked out.

There were no servants in the house, and in the dark, only his footsteps could be heard. The sound of his footsteps was like those in horror movies.

The phone in the living room suddenly rang. Lu xiuche didn't plan on picking it up, but the phone kept ringing.