Shut up and let me think.

When bureau chief Cai heard this, he frowned. He was actually quite a good official. Although he was not a good-for-nothing, he had basically never done anything stupid. It was just that he was usually tactful, a little timid, and afraid of trouble.

Lu Xiangdong shouted his name in front of him, which made bureau chief Cai feel like he was using his power to oppress him.

However, he didn't like what the eldest son of the SU family said either. What did he mean by 'when the owner returns, the police can search anyone's house without a precedent'?

Bureau chief Cai raised his hand to the police behind him, signaling for them to start searching.

The eldest son of the SU family did not move. He smiled and said,"if you want to search by force, I can't stop you. I still want to remind you that the police have agreed. This house is surnamed Xia."

He looked at chief Cai with a smile.