"You're Xiao Fan, aren't you?" Lu Xiangdong asked excitedly,"child, when did you come?"

His voice trembled with excitement and his eyes were shockingly bright. The self-blame and guilt on his face all turned into surprise. He tried to reach out to hug the young man several times, but he pushed him away.

Lying on the bed, Yu Mengyin watched Lu Xiangdong's performance. A touch of viciousness flashed in her eyes. It was finally time for her to use this card.

The young man looked to be about 13 or 14 years old. He had a pretty face and wheat-colored skin, somewhat similar to Lu Xiangdong. He looked at Lu Xiangdong coldly and did not accept his intimacy, as if he was looking at a stranger."Who are you? why are you in my house? I'll call the police if you don't explain yourself."

Lu Xiangdong was anxious and quickly explained,""Xiao Fan, I'm your father. I'm your father ..."