We'll compensate you, but you have to apologize.

"Mr. MA," you Yi grinned,"if it were me, someone like your son, I'd have beaten him up long ago. You should be glad that he met my stupid nephew."

MA Wenjie's father was about to be deceived."You ... You ... You're going too far!" He said.

It was obvious that his son had been beaten up. No matter what the reason was, the person who was injured was his son. According to normal logic, the other party should apologize.

He didn't expect that they would make it sound like his nephew had been wronged.

What kind of logic is this? This was the first time MA Wenjie's father had encountered such a situation.

You Yi raised his hand to stop him."Stop, stop. What do you mean by going too far? your son was the one who started it. If he didn't pick a fight, would my nephew, such an honest and kind child, hit someone? Why don't you ask around in the school about my nephew's character?"