Were they still together?

"Yes." Chen Feng nodded and asked,"where is teacher Wang's residence?"

Teacher Wang quickly gave him an address.

With qingsi and Yue tingfeng around, the atmosphere in the car was lively and there was no awkwardness.

Yue tingfeng was smarter than qingsi. Everything he said along the way was indirectly good things about Chen Feng. For example, ever since Auntie Xiao' AI left Xiao Zhan behind, Chen Feng had always given her some food. He also mentioned how kind he was and how filial he was to his parents, and so on ...

It wouldn't sound like a deliberate compliment, but it would make people remember it.

As teacher Wang listened, he felt embarrassed. It seemed that this Chen Feng was truly a very good person.

When they arrived, teacher Wang got out of the car and said to them,"Thank you for sending me back. I'm really sorry for the trouble, Mr. Chen."

Chen Feng hurriedly replied,"no, no. This is a small matter. Teacher Wang, please don't be so polite."