He would bully the teacher.

Qingsi was so anxious that tears were about to flow out."Then ... Then what should we do?"

Yue tingfeng gave her a look and then pointed at Chen Feng, who was driving.

Qingsi was smart this time and understood Yue tingfeng's meaning perfectly. She said with a sobbing tone,""I don't want anything to happen to teacher little Wang. Uncle Chen ... Uncle Chen, can you protect teacher little Wang? that bad uncle is really bad. He'll bully teacher little Wang ..."

Hearing this, both teacher Wang and Chen Feng's hearts skipped a beat.

Just as Chen Feng was about to open his mouth, teacher Wang shook his head repeatedly.""No, no, that's too much trouble ... No... I really can 't! I'm fine. I live in the basement, so it won't be easy for him to get in. On the way back, I ... I'll pick a place with more people. I believe ... He won't dare to do anything. "

Chen Feng did not know how to say the good in his mouth. He could only swallow it bit by bit.