Go and find him.

I noticed that you were absent-minded a few times in class, and you even made a mistake in your lecture. "

Teacher Wang suddenly felt even more guilty."I'm sorry, it's my fault. I delayed the students for some personal matters. I won't make the same mistake again."

Ever since she was young, her biggest dream had been to be a teacher. But now, because of her own personal affairs, she had not even done the most basic job of a teacher.

"Teacher little Wang, I'm not blaming you. I just want to know what's wrong with you. You've never been like this before. Did that bad uncle come to bully you?"

"It's not him ... It's me. I ... I did something wrong. I regret it very much. I want to fix it, but ... But I don't know what to do?" teacher Wang said in distress.

"What is it?" qingsi asked seriously. Can I help you?"

Ms. Wang looked at qingsi and hesitated. Perhaps...Qingsi could help her, but if she were to tell her student about this, she ...