Do you regret being with me?

Teacher Wang didn't know what was going on. She thought that she looked ugly in this dress.

She cautiously walked over and sat beside Chen Feng. However, the moment she sat down, Chen Feng hurriedly shifted to the side.

Teacher Wang was immediately dealt a blow, and her face turned pale."Big brother Chen, you ... What's wrong?"

Didn't they ... Already say it? what did he do?

"It's fine, it's fine ..." Chen Feng didn't dare to do it next to teacher Wang. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to control himself and scare him.

After a while, when he didn't hear teacher Wang say anything, Chen Feng couldn't help but turn his head and take a look. He saw her sitting there, silently wiping her tears.

Chen Feng panicked and hurriedly asked,"what's wrong? don't cry. Does your body hurt? I'll call the military doctor over."

Teacher Wang held his hand and stopped him from moving. She raised her head and asked,""You ... Are you regretting it now?"