I really want to spend some alone time with you.

After Chen Feng introduced them to each other, she walked to teacher Wang's side and said,""Don't be afraid. They're here to show their concern for you and see if you need any help from the Army. "

Teacher Wang had not expected that her arrival would even alarm Chen Feng's leader. She was nervous, afraid that she would say something wrong and cause Chen Feng trouble.

The Chief of Staff laughed."Yes, yes, don't be afraid. We'll all be on the same side in the future. If you need any help, just let me know."

He tried to make himself look gentle and kind. When he usually trained the soldiers under him, he had to put on a stern face all day long. If he was gentle, those stinky boys could turn the sky upside down.

As a result, even if they wanted to smile gently at the little girl, it would seem a little fake.

"I don't need any help. Thank you for your concern, leader. I'm a teacher in a primary school. You can just call me little Wang."