I think teacher Wang is very good.

Pfft. Teacher Sun couldn't help but laugh.

"She's Auntie Li's granddaughter. She's a dancer who doesn't touch the sun or water. She's in the arts, so she's different from us ordinary people. "

Chen Feng's parents looked at each other and had an answer in their hearts.

Teacher Wang came out with the dishes."I've made you guys wait for a long time. Uncle and Auntie haven't had breakfast yet, so they must be famished. I didn't dare to make too complicated dishes, so you two can have these first. If it's not enough, I'll make more."

"Enough, enough. I've really troubled you with the child. Quickly sit down and rest."

Teacher Wang smiled and said,"what's so troublesome about that? Teacher Sun has taken good care of me in the past."“

Chen Feng's parents were thinking about how to worm information out of him. They asked,""You and Teacher Sun, how did the two of you get to know each other?"