Protect you

Chen Feng helped teacher Wang into the car. "That's right. I don’t like to be a father. I only like to be the Father of my own son. Let's go. Let's go to my parents 'place for a meal."

"Alright, let's go home." Teacher Wang nodded.

Teacher Wang was actually relieved. Although Zhao Wenwen's miscarriage was pitiful, teacher Wang felt disgusted when he thought about what she did with her grandmother.

She had gotten pregnant due to her lack of self-respect, yet she wanted Chen Feng to be her scapegoat. Why were they thinking so well?

No wonder he had shamelessly tried to ruin her relationship with Chen Feng. This was his intention.

She was really shameless. To put it bluntly, she really deserved to have a miscarriage.

Fortunately, she had a miscarriage. In the future, she would definitely not be able to pester Chen Feng anymore. This was also the retribution for her evil deeds.