I'll be back when you're done.

Yue tingfeng's heart softened. How could he bear to part with her? this was a month's time with the bonus, and he would not be able to see his little girl.

Ever since he came to the capital, he had never been separated from her for more than two days.

Yue tingfeng felt even worse than qingsi when he thought about how long he had to be away this time.

However, he was a boy. If even he was crying, qingsi would not let him go.

Yue tingfeng gently wiped away her tears."Let's go. I'll have a private talk with you."

He raised his head to look at you Yi and Xiao' AI."Uncle you, Auntie Xiao' AI, I'm bringing qingsi upstairs. I want to talk to her alone."

"Alright," xiaoai nodded hurriedly."Go on. Don't let her cry anymore."

Xiao' AI's eyes reddened at the sight of her daughter crying so hard.