The first day her brother left.

No matter how reluctant qingsi was, her brother tingfeng had left. It was useless to cry or make a fuss. That was why qingsi could remain so calm. She knew that the more she made a fuss, the more worried her family would be.

Father, mother, grandfather, and grandmother were so concerned about her, so how could she be willful and make trouble?

Although qingsi was very angry, she knew that she was still young. There were some things that she could not stop. Besides, she more or less understood what kind of person her brother tingfeng was. He would not change his mind so easily once he had decided on something.

He said he was going, and he just went.

Even if he really couldn't bear to part with her, the decision in his heart, after he considered it, his choice was more important.

Just as her father had said, boys and girls were different, and they walked different paths.

She was actually dragging him down by crying and refusing to let him go, right?