Little girl, are you crying again?

Yesterday, qingsi had been holding back and did not dare to open it. She was afraid that once she opened it, she would not be able to resist looking at it.

Today, it was finally time to open it. Qingsi's hands trembled.

The 29 letters were arranged neatly in the box. The first letter was on the top, and Yue tingfeng had even arranged the order for her.

After qingsi picked up the first letter, she quickly locked the box, afraid that she would not be able to hold back later.

She sat on Yue tingfeng's bed and opened the first letter. She could not help but cry.

Yue tingfeng filled up the letter paper.

His first words were,"little girl, you're crying again, right?"

Qingsi rubbed her eyes."You know she'll cry, but you still write like this."

Yue tingfeng's tone was casual, just like how he usually chatted with qingsi, as if he had never left.