A smile for his childhood friend

The tips of Yue tingfeng's ears reddened again, and his breathing, which he had just managed to calm down, became chaotic again.

Even though qingsi had done this many times before, and they were even more intimate than before, but ... Yue tingfeng felt that something was not quite right this time.

He wanted to pull her hair away, but he was afraid that if he pulled her too hard, she would be sad.

Yue tingfeng patted qingsi's back."Be good. There's still a lot of questions to be done."

Qingsi laid in his arms and didn't want to move. She said in a sickening tone,""Brother, I think the sixth grade questions are really difficult. Why are you so smart?"

In the sixth grade, all the subjects, especially mathematics, were more difficult. Qingsi felt that it was a little difficult.