Can't bear to leave Lin Chen

While the others were discussing enthusiastically, Yue tingfeng's mind was filled with qingsi's image.

What was she doing now? Did she miss him? was she doing her homework?

Yue tingfeng's head hurt. Growing up was sometimes a headache.

"Tingfeng," Lu xiuche called out."We're talking. Are you listening?"

"No," Yue tingfeng replied.

The others were speechless!

After a while, hou Zhixin asked,"do you guys think those bastards will come to clean up the things on our door tonight?"

"Hmph!" Lu xiuche laughed coldly."I can't wait for them to leave."

Meng Heng sneered disdainfully."Don't worry. They will. They're actually afraid."

Sun xiangkun nodded,"the more sneaky these people are, the more timid they are."

Hou Zhixin gritted his teeth and said,"I'm not going to do anything tonight. Let's see when those bastards will come."

Meng Heng laughed."Why are you so angry? if you don't sleep, are you still going to the field for a run tomorrow morning?"