I heard that you have a little girlfriend.

It was said that the way Yue tingfeng looked at his little girlfriend was enough to drown her.

In the past three years, two batches of graduates had left and two batches of new students had arrived. So many people had gone crazy for Yue tingfeng. Many people had used all sorts of methods, but they had not even been able to touch a strand of his hair.

Some girls used underhanded means to drug and seduce people at class gatherings, but in the end, they were the ones who embarrassed themselves.

As time went by, other than the new freshmen, everyone knew that their school hunk, Yue tingfeng, was someone who could only be admired from afar and not toyed with. He was forever loyal only to his little girlfriend.

The big poster on the balcony of Yue tingfeng's dormitory had been replaced several times in the past three years.

However, without exception, qingsi's face was covered.