Creepy pasta

Once there was a man who loves to read creepy pasta stories. Whenever he has some free time at his hand, he always goes to his favorite creepy pasta website to read his favorite stories.

But one day, something happened. He never expected this type of thing to happen in his entire life. He was being haunted by the monsters from the stories he read.

"This is a dream come true!" the man shouted in his excitement.

"Hmm... Who will be the first one to scare me from my wits?" he willingly asked to himself.

"No matter, I will just have to enjoy it."

He started to wander around the place his currently in to know more about his environment. He searched high and low just to feed his own curiosity. He checked every building within the vicinity, he even found a forest near yonder.

"From what I'm seeing, it's either I'm in a video game setting or in one of those famous creepy pastas I've read. But I don't know which one." He told himself.

"I guess I have to keep on searching." He excitingly shouted.

He kept on searching.









"What the hell is going on?!" he asked viciously to himself.

"Why haven't I being attack yet?!"

And then suddenly, he heard footsteps. Slowly. Every steps it makes, a sudden urge of fear be folds the weary fan.

"Who goes there?" he asked the approaching stranger with a crack in his voice.

"No... need... to be... afraid." the stranger answered slowly.

"I... am... only... passing by."

"Oh yeah, I won't let you." he answered vigorously.

"This is a once in life time opportunity and I won't let some old geezer ruin it for me!"

The stranger, looked at the weary fan, not happy from he heard.

"I... be careful... if... I were... you..." the stranger said.

"I... may be... old... but... I still... have... a thing... or... two... about... opportunity..."

"Oh yeah." the weary fan replied.

"I read creepy pastas more scarier than your threat old geezer. So get lost!"

"Is... that... so...?" the stranger asked

"Well... then... I must... take... my leave..."

"You better be." the fan replied.

"I'll... be... careful... if... I were... you..." the stranger warned the fan.

"There... are... somethings in life... that... should... never... be... taken for granted..." as he looked at the fan with spine-tingling stare.

The stranger continued to walk. Ever so slowly. While leaving a constant sense of fear in the air.

The fan, not happy from what he have heard, tried to clear his head and continued searching the area. In his mind, he asked himself "what's wrong with that old geezer? It's not like this is real or something."

With the mind set that he has right now, he stopped looking for monsters. His heart started beating fast. Unlike anything he felt when reading his favorite scary stories. He started imagining things. Things unlike the creepy pastas was made from. His heartbeat keeps on getting faster and faster, and then he remembered the last thing the stranger said: ...things... s....d... ne..r... b... t..en... ..r... granted....





He suddenly woke up. His breathing heavily and very sweaty. It felt like something was pressing his chest.

"What the hell happened?" he asked himself.

Still shocked from his nightmare, he got out of his bed and took a shower.

"Man, what a nightmare. I should really stop reading creepy pastas before going to bed. It's going to be the death of me." he said to himself.

As he close his eyes to relax, he felt something. It's the same feeling from his nightmare.

"What the hell is going on?!?" he asked fearfully.

He opened the shower door to see if there was someone outside trying to kill him. The strange feeling is getting stronger. It's the same exact feeling. The feeling of hopelessness. The same fear of loneliness coursing in his veins. His heart beats faster and faster. He sweats ever so vigorously. Never knowing what will happen next. As he turn around...






He woke up.

"What the hell is going on?!?!" he shouted.

"This is not funny anymore!!! Leave me alone!!!"

Then all of a sudden, someone broke down his apartment door. "What's going here? Is everything alright?" his neighbor asked.

Still panting from his hellish nightmare. It took sometime before he can answer.

His neighbor approach and said, "it's ok. Take your time to relax first."

He did just that but he felt that that nightmare was so real. He never expected for it to happen.

"Take it easy, man. No need to rush." his neighbor told him calmly.

His calming down but still shaken by fear.

"Now, can you tell me what happened?" his neighbor asked.

"I don't really know. This dreams and nightmare, they felt so real." the fan explained

"Are you having nightmares again?" his neighbor curiously asked.

"Yes." the fan immediately answered.

"But this one is different. Nothing that I've ever seen before."

"Don't worry..." his neighbor said.

Then suddenly, the same feeling emanates from his neighbor. It was more intense than before.

" will all be over soon."

His neighbor starts to strangle him

"What... are... you... doing???" the fan asked as he tries to breath

"What's the matter?" his neighbor asked menacingly with a matching smile

"Isn't this what you want?!"

"I... don't... under... stand..." the fan said as desperately grasp for air.

His neighbor's eyes suddenly turned blood red. He began laughing. Each heckle of his laugh begins to dig deep into the fan's mind as to remind him of the fear that a human must have.

The neighbor's grip tightens. For each of his desperate attempt to loosen the grip, the neighbor's laugh more louder and louder.

He slowly loosing consciousness.

He asked himself "why... is... this... hap..pen..ning?"








He woke up.

"NOOOOO!!!!" he shouted when waking up.

He got out of bed and rushed outside. He thought he was home. He thought when he wakes up, he will safe from the monsters of his nightmare. He though he will see the morning sun again. He never realized it until it was too late.

"No. It can't be. This is just a dream. This can't be real!" he told himself

He slapped himself as hard as he can, trying to wake up.

"NO! THIS CAN'T BE REAL!!!" he kept on shouting.

He anxiously looks around him. Never knowing what can happen next.

He tries to run as fast as he can. Not looking back from where he came.

He just ran, not knowing where to go.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!?!" he said screamingly.

He panickily looked around as he tries to contemplate on what's going on.

He kept running.

As he ran, he noticed something. The old man from before.

He stopped and approached him and said "you! This all your fault!!!" as he screams out of his lungs.

The old man stop and looked at the weary fan, angry and out of breath.

The old man smiled and said " what... is... the... matter? Isn't... this... what... you... want?"

As the fan heard those very same words, he was struck with fear. He anxiously looked the old man, never knowing what to do.

He screams loudly out of panic.

The old man started to heckle slowly. It is the same heckle he heard from his neighbor.

Not knowing what to do, he starts hitting his head on solid ground.

As the old man heckle ever so slowly, he approached the fan and said "I... told... you..."

"There... are... somethings in life... that... should... never... be... taken for granted..." then thrusted a knife through the fan's chest.

Shocked from what happened, he suddenly hit the ground.

As he looses consciousness, he looked at the old man, smiling.

He tries to speak and asked the old man "is... this... the end?"

The old man looked at the fan and smiled.

The fan tries to keep himself awake.

He heard "This... is... just... the beginning..."









He wakes up again...

And a new nightmare begins.