A Generous offer

As time pass, we humans start to realize we only have a short time to live. Every corner of our lives, we do everything to make things worth. But we don't realize as time pass by, we destroy the very fabric of which we live in.

Not so long ago, a very wealthy man, whose riches can be envied by any man, was about to make a decision who can change any man's fate. He decided to give a group of men wealth to restart their own lives.

One of the men decided to start a business. The other, to make a home of his own. Every man has it's own goal to gain. But one refuses to accept the given wealth.

The wealthy man asked "why not accept this gift I have given? I'm sure that it will of great value."

The man who refused answered "it is not you who decide what will and can happen to my life."

The wealthy man confused on the answer and asked "why do you refuse then? I am not even telling you what to do with the wealth that I am giving."

Angered by the question, the man answered "you do not decide on what I do in life! You, of all people, must know that material things is not the answer to every problems there is!"

Shocked, the wealthy man did not asked any more. He decided to split the unclaimed wealth to those who wanted it.

Perplexed on the statement the man has given, he has given it some thought and asked himself, "is it wrong to be giving?"

Days gone by, and the people who has been given a 2nd chance in life has live by their own volition. Never in their lives that wealth can be given so easily.

As time pass by, the men that was given wealth, returned to the wealthy man's mansion.

The wealthy man was happy to see that everyone was able to make something out of the wealth that was given to them. He has forgotten the man that refused his offer. He asked one of the men "what brings you to my home? Do you want me to know how wonderful your lives had become?"

The men were confused on what the wealthy man has asked, one replied "we are not here to tell you what happened to our lives. We're happy that you have given us another chance in life but..."

The wealthy man was confused, he doesn't know what to say.

"...the man who refused your offer seems happier."

Shocked on what he heard, the wealthy man immediately asked, "what do you mean his happier? He doesn't the wealth that I have given all of you!"

"We know..." one of the men replied. "it just that, his life is lively and gleeful that..."

"What?!" the wealthy man angrily asked.

"We want to return all of the wealth that you have given us."

Shocked with the revelation, he quickly realized that the wealth that was envied by men all through out was just a piece of garbage to a man who refuses to accept his generosity.

"GET OUT!!!" the wealthy man shouted.

The men quickly returned all possessions that they owned and exited the mansion.

Driven by madness, the wealthy man ordered his men to find this man who had refused his offer.

They have searched high and low, but eventually found what they are looking for.

They were confused on why their lord will want this man to be captured. He did nothing wrong to anyone.

The happy man looked at the confused men and asked, "what can I do for everyone?"

One of the men answered, "we were ordered to find you and bring you to our lord's estate."

"If that is what he wishes, I will comply." the happy man answered.

As they returned to the mansion, they have noticed that the garden has been destroyed. Inside the mansion was no different, it was completely destroyed by someone.

As they call for the wealthy man, they hear chuckles of laughter echoing in the mansion.

"What's this?" the wealthy man asked, "are you here to accept my generosity?"

The happy man changed his expression and asked "why do you continue to tell others how to live?"

With his clothes torn and covered in blood, the wealthy man slowly revealed himself to his men and the man who refused.

"Why do you not accept... my.... gene... rosi... ty?" the wealthy man asked with a smile.

"I did not accept because I am contented with my life." the man answered, "I will not willfully accept anything that is given to me so that they can pretend to care on my condition in life!"

The wealthy man laughed. Laughed like a madman.

Scared on what can happen next, his men ran away and left the man that has refused the offer of wealth many times.

The wealthy man slowly approached the man. He looked at his face and asked, "why do you refuse to accept my generosity?!"

"I will not repeat myself to a man who is selfish." the man answered.

The wealthy man just smiled from the answer.

The man looked around and said, "this is the result of your own doing."

The man turned around and started walking to the door. The wealthy man just looked at the man. Like a statue in a garden, he just stared at the man as he exits the mansion.

No one knows what happened to the wealthy man after that day. Up to this day, they can still hear his laughter echoing in his former estate. They say he wanders around trying to give something to anyone who passes by his estate. Some say he gone completely mad. No one for sure knows of what fate that the wealthy man had.

Remember this, one's generosity can be easily taken for granted but that doesn't mean it's not worth anything.