Its a Sign. (Ivan Radcliffe)

I don't usually believe in signs and destiny but sometimes, stories and people reach out to me. I had seen this girl twice in a week now and both times, in completely bizarre scenarios. Apparently, this fairytale had its Cinderalla with multiple personalities every time she crossed path with prince charming.

After looking for hours for Absolem, the oldest bookstore in the country, I had almost found it. I was walking in the empty lane leading to the bookstore. I could see its rustic windows and ivy from where I was. I loved ancient architecture. There was a big rustic board hanging outside the first floor saying, "Äbsolem. Books and More."

I could hear someone running behind me and turned to look. And again. There she was. She seemed like she had been crying. The last time I remembered seeing her, she seemed like the happiest girl I had seen. Looking at her now, it was as if all the happiness in the world was gone. She looked like she was crying for days. She seemed so heartbroken, all I wanted to do was go fix her.

She somehow screamed of a story. Her emotions showed two extreme personalities. As a producer, investing in good stories was the key to good movies. I refrained myself from getting too excited.

"What if she's just emotional" I thought to myself.

I noticed her as she ran towards Absolem and barged into the store. I followed her discretely and stepped into the store, holding the bell as I found my way in. She was nowhere to be seen. I walk around trying to look for her when I hear distant voices. They seemed to be coming from below. I did not intend on eavesdropping but the conversation between her and another man intrigued me.

My eyes widened with excitement as I heard the things, he was telling her, she seemed to be in a state of shock as she digested the information she had just received. I needed to get the whole story.

'I could be famous', I thought to myself.

I needed to know this girl better and an idea struck my mind immediately.

I walked back to the entrance and opened the door and closed it as loud as possible. It would have been enough to get their attention. I could hear footsteps approaching.

"Is this place open?" I ask, sounding curious and excited.

Princess Sofia came up and walked in my direction. Her eyes looked puffy and her face looked tired. Good for me, tragedies always made good stories.

"Hey, I'm Ivan. Needed a specific book. I've heard this place is the only place to find it in town" I said, with honesty in my eyes.

"Hi, I'm Sofia." But I already knew that. "Oh. Sure. I'll look for it, could you tell me the name of the book?" she asks. If only there was a book providing the insight on her life.

"Great expectations" I say.

Most people didn't know this, but the best way to fool someone is to act natural. It seemed to be working with Sofia at least and that was all I needed right now.