
Facing Victor and not wanting to rip his heart out was a very difficult task. He should have been exposed, he should be sorry for what he did, he should never do this with anyone else. I needed to make sure this didn't happen again. Not with me, not with anyone.

"Ms. Malitz." He called my name that caused me to snap out of my dream. Victor died in it, I killed him of course.

"Go get him Sof" Ivan had told me as he dropped me off. I entered the office, determined.

"Let's go to the meeting room." He suggests. I did not want to be alone in a room with him.

"Why can't we do it here?" I suggest. Aaron looks at us. He was walking by and it was the perfect time to suggest some privacy.

"Oh no Sofia, these is delicate information. You cannot discuss this out in the open. Besides, learn to listen to your mentors." He says and walks away.

Victor smirks.

I walk with him and grab my phone.

"Keep it away Ms. Malitz." He says as we sit down.

"Listen, I don't want you to go around and tell people about what happened. In return I won't come close to you." He said.

How dare he.

"You surprise me Victor. These kinds of things are to be let out in the open." I say seriously.

"Things written in your diary; they might just slip out from my mouth in the open." He says and

smiles. "I hope I have made things clear, things between us will now be strictly professional." He


"Oh, and good luck with your presentation." He says and walks out.

I was disgusted. He wasn't going to get away with this.

You asked for it, Victor.

Aaron and a few other employees had gathered in the meeting room. I was supposed to discuss my progress so far with Victor and pitch in a new idea about improving publications. It was an important meeting. I had the presentation ready and the audience was present as well.

"Good luck Sof" Hilda whispers to me as I enter.

I open my presentation and look at Victor who was smiling at me. That jerk.

I connect the laptop to the projector and it displays my presentation. Everyone gasps. I felt a sense of achievement when I saw the smile leave Victor's face. "Harassment – By Sofia Malitz, under the guidance of Victor Gibson." Said the title page of the presentation.

Victor gets up and walks towards me, "This isn't a joke Sofia. Stop this right now" he whispers.

I give him my microphone. "Let everyone hear you Mr. Gibson." I smile.

Aaron looks at me confused; Hilda gives me a look saying I was going to be in trouble.

"All of us know Mr. Gibson here. I was really excited to work with him, till I found out what kind of a person he actually was. I don't expect anything that cannot be done. All I expect is justice. I don't think he is sane enough to work with me. I'd like to have another mentor." I state.

Victor looks at me, shocked. He was surprised I was capable of doing that. The employees look at me in shock. They look at Victor and whisper.

"This man here, has hurt me. Physically. Although, this incident hasn't occurred here. It's enough reason for me to not want to work with him."

"Sofia, we cannot go ahead and accuse people. Victor has been working with us for years now, he wouldn't hurt a fly." Aaron defends him. Of course.

"I have evidence." I smile. Victor is more surprised than ever. He looks at me in disbelief.

I switch the slide and play the voice recording I had of Victor and me in the meeting room a while ago. Victor shuts my laptop after the recording is done.

"This is a setup. She's trying to get ahead in life by putting me down. She's incompetent, she can't work here. She's not fit for this job and now she's trying to ruin my career. How dare you." He says and comes close to my face. Aaron gets up and pulls him away.

"I did not expect this from you Victor." A voice came from Aaron's laptop. It was Andrew. The boss of everything. I had spoken all this in front of him? I looked at Hilda who smiled at me nervously.

"Ask her about the diary" Victor says as he breaks free from Aaron and walks towards me.

"Apparently she's special. She can touch people and look into their lives, know what they're thinking." He blurts.

I wasn't surprised. I knew victor would stoop so low. Luckily, I had back up.

"What's he talking about?" Andrew asks me before Aaron could say anything.

"It was some story I was working on Andrew; he's talking about the protagonist. I wrote about her and the ideas in my diary." I say honestly.

"This could have been done in a peaceful way Sofia. There was no need to bring this up in a meeting room in front of everyone." Aaron says. I sensed anger in his tone. Was he still defending Victor?

"Ms. Sofia Malitz. I'd like to speak with you, alone." Andrew says and Aaron seemed happy about the fact that I was going to be screwed. Fired maybe. Victor was furious, he stormed out of the room,

Aaron and Meghan went behind him.

Everyone dispersed one by one. Hilda comes to me and rubs my shoulder. "I'm sorry that happened to you Sof." She whispered apologetically. I give her hand a squeeze and manage to smile back. In a few moments, I was going to be fired. But honestly, I didn't care.