Fate Accumulation

As Ocean proclaimed, it didn't take long Jet's quarters to change. From staying in a shared room, he swiftly moved up to the most luxurious room of the academy while a mysterious entity even sponsored alk his educational facilities.

Economics, Accountancy, Astronomy, Mathematics, Formations, Smithing and even exotic classes like Geography were subscribed under his name.

Sitting inside the most expensive and luxurious room, Jet could feel the abundant amount of elements present in his surroundings, clinging onto his skin and yet, his newly formed Elemental Space seemed to be rejecting all the elements.

The golden-blue sphere rotated inside his elemental space gently.

"To cultivate and refine the elemental energy, a cultivator must inscribe a skill that acts as a cauldron to refine all the absorbed element particles. The more skills present, the higher the quality of the refined energy, hence, the higher the efficiency of the next skill inscribed.


Jet opened his eyes with a distressed expression on his face.

"How do I accumulate Fate?"

Standing up from his ridiculously comfortable bed, Jet took out a new blade that was already placed inside the room to compensate for his broken blade. Feeling the soft, leathery grip of his new blade, Jet immediately slashed to his left before sheathing the blade almost instantly.

"If you cannot use elements, use cold weapons to close in distance and strike mercilessly."

He muttered before looking around and bit cautiously and then slumping back to his bed, finally sleeping.

Since he had to sleep one day or the other, he chose to sleep without keeping any guards up. If someone wanted his death, he finally realised that he was too weak to stop the attempt from succeeding.


The next day, Jet woke up on his own schedule, trained in the way of the sword before making his way out of the room and moving towards the formation classes. Since ordinary Cultivation practices wouldn't work for him and he didn't wish to learn more about the society's economy, he leaned towards the formation.

The only method available to any man, mortal or Cultivator if all the conditions are met.

The class itself wasn't far off and the students sitting there clearly did not know of him. Since Jet needed to have a personal tutor to guide him through the basics, he finally decided to try his luck once again.

Walking up to the middle-aged teacher, he fished out another object placed on his bed beside the sword.

A Badge.

At the narrowing eyes of the teacher, Jet remained calm while asking for a personal teacher, to which, the teacher very reluctantly appointed his own personal disciple.


Stepping through the brightly lit corridors, Jet couldn't help but look at the dark sky outside the academy.

'Sun... I wonder how a blue sky looks like? Even though I have seen it in his memories... but still... I wonder how it feels...'

Soon, he found his destination. The Elite Corridor filled with the cabins of all the elite students of the campus. Looking at the seventh room with a greenish metal door, he walked up and rang the bell.


After waiting patiently for two more minutes, Jet rang the bell once more.



Before he could ring the bell the third time, the metal gate immediately opened with a loud, grating sound, ruining the atmosphere of the corridor before a burly hand pulled him in without asking any questions.

Suddenly, Jet found himself falling on a chalkboard filled with numerous patterns while a burly, bald youth in top tank gave him a sidelong glance.

"Master told me about your situation. Quite a rich one, aren't you?"

The living room, Jet reckoned, was filled with books and inscription charts of various sizes while a sickly smell remained ever prevailing in the cabin. Even though this is a cabin, honestly, its size is bigger than most of the rooms in the academy.

On a suspicious clean table, the burly youth placed his hand above a pattern while the mug filled with some kind of beverage immediately glowed as the cup was soon heated up.

"This is my special drink, boost the thought process of a human being, a speciality of the Smithing Department.

Don't let any drop go to waste."

Passing the cup to stunned Jet, the burly youth went towards the study table placed in the living room and sat on his chair while a relieved sigh escaped his lips.

"After you are done drinking, wake me up."

He muttered before crossing his arms on the table and resting his head on his forearm. Almost immediately, low snores emerged within the silent room and Jet looked at the cup in his hands with the pink content bubbling up in the heat.


A droplet of sweat trickled down his chin and fell towards the cup, but strangely, the sweat itself evaporated before it could reach the contents below.

This sight evidenced the extraordinary heat of the bubbling liquid which also gave rise to questions within his mind.

'If the liquid is so hot, then how is the cup still intact.'

The plastic cup still felt cool to touch, quite the opposite of its content and honestly, with the heat demonstrated just now, the cup itself should have melted away.

'Could it be?'

Raising the reddish cup higher, Jet saw a bright red formation inscribed at the bottom of the cup that kept on glowing while at the edges of the circular formation, pure white crystals, smaller than one centimetre in size laid embedded on the inscription. It was a wonder how these crystals were even attached.

As he looked at the inscription, Jet's expression turned even wondrous. The bald senior's words kept on resounding within his head.

'Not a single drop is to be wasted.'

'After you are done drinking, wake me up.'

Scowling, Jet was even more afraid to place the cup on any other location and if he threw away the contents, he was sure that a major burn mark would remain due to sheer heat.

Faced with such a dilemma, Jet couldn't even play with the formation because a single change might ruin everything instead of deactivating the heating part of the formation and the whole drink may simply pour on his lap, his manhood filled with burn scars.

It wasn't hard to understand that the formation had two main uses. Even an amateur like Jet could understand it.

Since the cup hasn't melted off, then obviously, the formation has a big role in this. So, it could be deduced that some kind of technique was applied to keep the cup from melting and even remaining cool.

Secondly, it's function was to continuously heat up the contents. Of course, the drink must have an extraordinary evaporation point as the volume of drink looked the same.

If Jet let the drink get completely evaporate, then he would fail the first condition.

Obviously, this simple social convention of offering a hot beverage turned out to be a test that Jet reckoned that he had to pass.

But how?

That was the million-dollar question.

Looking at the books around, he suddenly had a thought.

'Does he want me to learn the basics of the formation while holding a cup in my hand?'

But, the moment this thought came, Jet immediately denied the proposal. Even a basic student like him knew that to inscribe a formation with dual-functionality is quite advanced.

At this point, left with no choice, a melodious voice echoed within his subconsciousness once again.

'I am always... here... believe in me.

Your fate... isn't to be laughed at.'