Second room - Prairie Type

Alex was paralyzed in his place at the great surprise of seeing the status of the little kitten in front of his face.

The little kitten just bowed her head in curiosity as emotion began to fill her, believing that Alex would let her follow him to the next room.

She moved towards the exit, where Alex was, but when she was about to step outside the room, she received a hard but soft blow to her head that pushed her back.

"Nyaah!!" She fell with her back to the floor of the thrust of the impact of the slap that Alex gave her with his tail to prevent her from leaving the room.

<I get distracted for a second and you want to follow me again...> Alex woke up from his trance when he noticed the little girl who was about to leave the room and enter the hall.

"Nya nia nya!! [Don't follow me, until you're stronger or enough to match my current domain!]" Alex shouted his intention towards the little girl while using his aura to try to send her message to the little kitten that she looked depressed when she was rejected by him.

"Nya-ya [I will give you help for now, as I am in a hurry to recover something very precious to me]" Alex opened the status of the little girl and helped her to distribute her status-points since the mutation ones could not modify them for some reason.

"!!!" The little kitten had her skin bristled by the strange sensation that invaded her body when Alex finished modifying her condition, finding no cause she looked at Alex with stars in her eyes at the thought that he gave her something that made her stronger as when he forced her to eat magic orbs.

Alex lasted about half an hour to get his message to the little girl who kept trying to follow him to the next room, she learned shortly after the twelfth slap on her face and also by detecting that Alex was getting irritated with her behavior, resigned to follow him, she agree to stay and become stronger.

<See you later...> Alex showed the girl a smile as he advances along the hall made of marble with large columns every certain distance and with specks of light on the ceiling that illuminated the place completely.

The little kitten stood still in her place... waiting for Alex to come back and take her with him, but time only passed without him returning.

A small knot formed in the little girl's throat when she didn't see Alex anywhere in the hall. His figure has not been visible to her for a long time.

But when despair was about to make her disobey Alex's request, a ball of red light flew straight in her direction from the hallway, it turned out to be the little spirit that always accompanies Alex.

The little spirit stayed with her as she urged her to get away from the exit and find a safe place, she came by Alex's feeling of concern that the little girl couldn't bear to wait for him for her low will.

The presence of the little spirit reassured the little kitten to run after Alex and remember Alex's message 'Stay, Stronger, domain equal to mine, meet, follow me' or that was how she interpreted it.

The days passed inside the first room and nothing dangerous mortal happened to the little girl, all thanks to four entities, the Kobolds who dedicated themselves to take care of her and watch her in order to pay their debt to have their village under Alex's domain, the little spirit that came from time to time to see how the little girl is and Alex himself, since his essence was in the little one because she always rubbed against Alex as a sign of affection and respect.

Alex's strong essence helped the little girl keep away all the other big beasts because they recognize the smell while the vermin not because they had hidden the day Alex showed his strength.

The fourth entity was the beasts that are under Alex's domain that only left vermin after their fighters out of Alex's domain, a positive effect for the little girl that helped her grow a little faster within Alex's domain, apart from that her pack made sure she had food.

The striped cats were placed on top of the food chain because the little one was the one with Alex's strongest essence in her and was part of their pack, which made the striped cats get more food and better prey, which means they got stronger.

But returning to the first day Alex left the first room, he met his first challenge.

<Which path should I follow?> Alex bowed his head as he thought which path to follow since the path was divided into two.

<I didn't think I would use this...> Alex searched his inventory while recalling a method of choosing a path.

<Meat, pills, gold, iron, irocle, magic orbs, lemons, skins... no, no and no... here it is!> Alex navigated through his inventory that now had the capacity for 15 different things until he found a stick that he picked up the first days while learning to use his inventory, for some reason he forgot to take this stick out of his inventory since he never lacked space.

The stick was almost straight with only one green leaf on one side, Alex held the stick with one of its paws and shortly after throwing it into the air.

"Nyah!!" Alex let out a meow when he threw the stick, for some reason he was thrilled to throw the stick while imagining the face of the demon and also because there will be at the end of the hall.

*Pak!!!* *Pak!!* *P-pak!*

The stick bounced several times against the ground until it showed pointing the blade towards the path on the right.

<Then it will be the path of the Right... I will keep you for another similar situation> Alex kept the stick while he continues his journey to the next room, but as he moves without care, behind him the thief is following him to see that he manages to cross the hall that It is full of deadly traps.

<But what the hell!!> It was the thought of the rogue at all times to see how Alex advances through the hall without activating the traps while he had to memorize the position and the necessary activation of the traps to be able to cross the corridor without his life is in danger, but here Alex crosses it as if nothing.

<They are not activated because they consider him a monster or has the ability not to be detected by the traps... this is damn confusing for me, I guess it is both since he has stepped on several traps and none has been activated, maybe I will return then to check that they are not only showing some fault that may I could explode later> The rogue plunged into his thoughts as his body moved naturally to dodge the traps.

Interested in the discovery, the rogue began to write down the discovery of Alex on a scroll, as this could help to send supplies between the villages without the danger of someone dying just by carrying a few scrolls or other things they want to send between the villas.

Alex soon arrived at the end of the hall to only enter another room dome with another ecosystem, if the previous one was a forest with giant and thick trees, now it is a meadow with a small river that crosses the whole room and one that another leafy area, also that the entrance is placed on a simulated mountain and apparently the exit too.

<The view from here makes me feel majestic and amazed by the views> Alex showed a light smile on his cat face while looking at the place.

The plain could be seen full of different types of beasts or monsters, different types of giant insects and some that other flying beasts, also look at two communities in the distance, Alex recognized one of them as a village of Kobolds while the other was much more rudimentary and with much smaller huts.

"KUUAGH!!" A thunderous roar came from the sky while also a large amount of air put pressure on Alex to the ground.

On top of Alex, a large flying lizard was watching Alex as it flaps its large wings to keep itself propelled in the air, it also freed a little mana to the environment as a result of using mana to become lighter and be able to fly, since its size showed that it should be extremely heavy.

The lizard skin took a greenish-gray color, large claws at the ends of its Wings-arms, an elongated body with two powerful legs and two large red eyes staring at Alex with hungry.

Alex didn't think much as he gathered mana in front of his mouth and used his [Modified Fireball] in the giant lizard that bothered Alex's sweet tranquility when he is appreciating the place.

But to Alex's surprise, the animal deflected the attack with powerful currents of air that caused the direction of the attack to be twisted in another direction that was not the same beast itself.

<This suddenly became interesting> Alex gathered mana on his legs while also showing an aggressive combat stance towards the flying beast.

The beast was astonished by Alex's powerful attack but it still managed to dodge it with its high control over the air element, not wanting to be the only one attacked, gathered mana on its wings to counterattack.

But before it could accumulate all the necessary mana on its wings to carry out its attack, Alex launched himself at it, although it was a great distance from the ground, at first it didn't believe that Alex could reach him.

"!!!" It takes a big surprise when a black substance came out of its body and joined another that left Alex shortly after feeling how it is pulled down by Alex.

Alex showed a smile when he saw the beast's surprise when it suffered a situation that it didn't expect to happen, but while he showed a smile, he had begun to circulate his mana to activate his ability [Cut].