Learning things already learned

After building a makeshift leather bed, Alex decided to discover that other changes suffered in his new form.

The answer was not long in appearing when Alex investigated within the system and selected his ability [Transform] which later showed more options, which were all his forms.

The system informed Alex of the strengths and weaknesses of each form. Alex discovered that his semi-human form doesn't serve much for combat since, in this form, he needs tools to show the same level of magic as in his beast form, and in terms of his strength, it is only 70% of all his strength.

The semi-human form is more for the production or collection of things, he gets those two disadvantages in exchange for being able to learn a profession and be able to change it when he takes the profession to level 10.

Although it is weaker than its beast-man form or beast form, it still has a high combat potential, since it is not a real semi-human, but a transformed beast.

As for his small form, it loses 40% of the total force in exchange for having more percentage in the magical field and agility, it becomes a versatile magician.

In his beast form, he returns in his form 100% of all his statistics, but when he transforms into a beast-man, he loses 10% of his magical ability, but in return, he is 20% stronger and faster, he becomes a complete warrior.

<It's a mess...> Alex looked at the information of his transformations, which seemed endless to Alex.

<How annoying... and my mana is regenerating slower> Alex lay in his makeshift bed while watching the fake starry sky.

While Alex ponders the information he has just read, his spectral beast form, lay still beside him and to Alex's surprise, the body of his spiritual form became more solid, it was no longer as transparent as when he transformed some hours.

"It's as if you were real ~nya" Alex touched the body of his spiritual form, which only lazily looked at Alex's actions.

"Pff... it is a little difficult to speak again ~nya" Alex stretched his tongue with his hand because of feel a sense of awkwardness when he is speaking as if at any time he would bite his tongue.

The night passed without any problem, except for the sounds of some beasts fighting over territories that annoyed Alex for his great sense of hearing.

The next day, Alex began his day by cutting his hair which is only a hindrance to him, with the help of Caos.

At some point, Alex decided to refer to his spiritual form as Caos since it is uncomfortable to refer to him as an object when he has shown intelligence in his behavior, even if he is a much lower intelligent than him.

Alex made Caos cut his hair with one of his claws which were very easy because of how sharp his claws are, Alex ended up with a wild cut since neither of them has hairdressing skills, but Alex's appearance made look good on him.

"Help me! Nya~" Alex ordered Caos to support, so he can learn to straighten up since it is difficult for him to stand up with only two legs when he now feels the need to bend down and use his arms as well.

Alex's tail wiggled wildly behind him to balance his lousy attempt to walk, Alex looked like he had spaghetti legs as he moved them insecurely, but step by step, Alex began to make a firm step, all thanks to three factors

Alex had his tail helping him to balance his balance, his flexibility allowed him to take strange positions that made it easier to take a step, although he had a very awkward position for him and, finally, his memories of when he was human, within this memory had experience of walking like a human.

Alex took a total of an hour and a half to adapt to the change, but it is still a different story to fight or run in this way, but Alex is already happy to move from one place to another easily.

"I suppose I will reserve this form for when I want to infiltrate some society or I am very bored... N ... N-n Nyah ~" Alex tried to endure, but only got a red face from the shame of meowing.

"*Sigh* I have to try it ~nya" Alex kept both his hands on his waist as he looked at the sky resigned to this curse.

"I wonder if I'm the only one who suffers this cursed ~nya"

Alex looked around while thinking about what to do now, but as he thought, he remembered that he could choose a class, he quickly looked at his status and found the option to choose a class, at the beginning Alex was about to choose some kind of combat, but he remembered the limitations of his current situation as well as the penalties of his forms.

*Pop!* An imaginary spotlight lit up Alex's head when he discovered what profession he should learn first.

[Blacksmith Lvl 1 [Novice]]

Without a doubt Alex chose that profession since it is very useful at the moment, although it is low level, for now, it can be useful since Alex could create the necessary equipment for each of his forms if they require something, in this case, he needs a magic tool to be able to use his mana properly as when he was just a beast, or make some weapon for his beast or current form.

Alex chose the profession and it joined to his status, but he felt nothing different and he paid no more attention because right now Alex is trying to adapt completely to his new form.

At all times Caos looked at everything that happened with boredom at not understanding anything and just being interested in fighting and protecting Alex.

If Caos's status could be seen, it would be the same as Alex's, but there would be three deferences, Caos would have lower INT and WIS while his WILL would be much greater than Alex's.

But that is something that neither of them could know or recognize.

"I guess I'll start with stretches ~nya" *Roough~* Alex's stomach interrupted his plans and thoughts.

Alex stood still for a couple of seconds thinking about what to eat, but as he thought, a wild thought hit him hard on the forehead.

"!!!" The saliva began to get out of Alex's lips when he thought that he now has a human palate, which made him think about how would the food taste now and without thinking twice he forced his mana to create fire on dry leaves.

Alex had a lousy control in his mana, but his great desire to eat meat made him overcome these problems by thinking about how to overcome them, he quickly concluded that he would make a campfire and use his mana to make skewers of darkness.

The fire moved wildly in the campfire, while Alex controlled his mana to keep his skewers with meat at a suitable height where the meat began to make noise of the fat being heated and exploding in waves of a strong smell of cooked meat, Alex squeezed the toes of his foot while reaffirming his will not to despair.

"You have a will of a star, Alex, you know very well that you can resist ~nya!" Alex wiped his mouth with his shoulder and by the emotion, he spoke in the third person while watching the meat change color.

Alex's body trembles in his place as it showed how Alex is holding his despair to jumping over the food to eat it at once.

Caos watched as Alex was desperate for a piece of meat, he didn't understand why since he doesn't feel hungry and doesn't need to eat, shortly after a few minutes he got bored of watching and fell asleep.

*Crackle* The sound of branches being crushed filled the place when Alex felt the meat was reaching its best point.

Without even looking at the mini-map or releasing his aura, Alex knew they were invaders, but what Alex didn't expect was the amount of these.

Caos rose from his place when he felt the drastic change of the place and surrounded Alex as he watched the surroundings.

"Dammit! I got delayed for a moment and forgot where I am ~ nyah." Alex looked sideways at his surroundings and could see many red eyes hidden among the weeds, Alex didn't feel any threat from them, but he got upset because they interrupted a good moment.

All eyes watched the campfire and then watched Alex and Caos shortly after releasing some murderous intent to scare them away, although their intentions are small, but being many this one was unified and amplified, but neither Alex or Caos were immuted before the threat.

Alex rose from his position and stopped squatting, his action attracted all eyes and especially for what he had in his hand, a skewer of meat. Alex took a big bite on the piece of meat which caused a great sound of the invaders who swallowed by the smell of meat.

"Kaaah!... Kill them, since they are invading my territory... you are death ~nya" Alex bit his flesh again when he ordered Caos to attack.

"Deam men!! It doesn't have lemon, but it tastes like godly food!" The fur of Alex's tail rose to show the ecstasy Alex felt for eating his cooked meat.