Unexpected Mutation

Surrounded by weeds, Alex kept a calm and serene breath while giving himself the pleasure of doing nothing and just enjoying the surroundings.

Alex lay in silence while letting his mana heal his wounds. The kobolds who had come to watch Alex, were now in a similar situation, all lost strength in their legs, once the battle ended they lay down on the ground trying to regain their strength.

Everyone only had the thought of returning to the camp and not returning, since the pressure that Alex and the orc released left a small mark on the poor Kobolds, the poor had no experience in facing an enemy superior to them, only the old woman was quiet when the fight ended, but she also wanted to return to the camp, she had already checked what she wanted to find out, just to be amazed by what she discovered, now she wants to review what she learned from the combat, or what she managed to interpret for her benefit.

Meanwhile, in the first village, Kra'ga's group finished preparing to face the third floor again, they had returned to inform and resupply food, as it was one of the biggest problems they had when they entered the third floor.

Kra'ga and his companions retired with the sunset while they were fired throughout the village, they went to the village of Krota to meet and continue their journey to the last floor, apart from wanting to get some spells of the Great Maggla, which could be very useful in their next mission.

The world kept turning, although Alex wasted a full day just resting, while he dedicated himself to recovering his mana and healing his wounds, many people continued to advance in his life.

The Adventurer's Guild or [The Origens] (Way in which the nobles refer to the adventurer's guild and which is used as the official name of the guild as well, but only used in the presence of nobles.), they manage to put enough pressure on the kingdom of Magister to be able to have a member within the first exploration of the new dungeon and all this was thanks to the prolongation of the exploration of the dungeon.

The new member is the new master of the adventurer's guild, Silvia VonTreko, thanks to her connections such as knowing when to attack, she managed to get this great opportunity and right now she is riding a hippogriff in the direction of the Infernal Mountain, a big smile formed on the beautiful face of the woman while feeling full of emotion to explore a new dungeon, as well as what she can find inside it.

Returning to the infernal mountain with the Gamus race, a group of adults and young Gamus decided to leave the damn mountain, they are a group of Gamus who have grown tired of living in the mountains, a desolate place, that group wants to get their future for themselves and now that they gathered the necessary food and tools, they decided to leave their prison-home.

The other half of the Gamus tried to stop them, but their attempts were ineffective, they were already determined to leave and get a better future, unable to stop them, they could only see how a group of more than 30 Gamus crossed the protection and continued moving towards the unknown.

Meanwhile the scouting group outside the dungeon were bored of just waiting, there were no monsters to kill to pass the time, they could only do their daily training routine for the time to pass.

But while they were bored, the group of magicians were excited to discover the ancient language written at the entrance and the why, they blocked the door, they discovered that there are reptilian-looking demons inside the dungeon and they blocked the dungeon, so that these "demons" don't come out again.

Although the message does not contain information for a treasure or some relic, it contained many words that could help advance the investigation of this language which has many magical songs and with this discovery of new words it may be possible to break down more words of this language, that would mean discovering new enchantments or spells.

"I guess they are affected again by their blessing" Said the knight who was doing his daily routine while watching magicians get excited by an ancient language.

"How are they affected by their blessing?" A younger knight approached with doubt upon hearing his superior's comment.

The other knight turned a little confused that they asked him that question, but when he looked at how young the boy was, he understood why he had this doubt.

"It is something that is not explained, but at some point, you will realize, the blessings or professions, affect in a certain way the personality of the person, in the case of magicians, makes them have an insatiable thirst for knowledge related to the magic... with us the knight would be the one we always want to show our worth" The knight stopped training to explain to the young knight.

The boy became thoughtful once he heard this and only followed his training routine while reminding his classmates in the academy that they have different blessings.


[A full day passed with Alex being simply lying on the floor]


<I never felt more comfortable in my life than right now> Alex woke up from his nap shortly after stretching his entire body.

"Waa~~" Alex scratched the floor with his claws while stretching and thus leaving some marks on the floor.

<Should I be big again or not?...> Alex moved through the forest at a high speed while thinking about what to do now.

While Alex was thinking whether to grow up again or stay in this way, for some reason he looked at his condition, something he usually does to see his own progress, since he gets a sense of satisfaction when he sees how strong he becomes.

<Oh my god! I level up! but what is that amount of points!!> Alex stopped dead when he looked at his condition.

He is now level 11 with 45 Sp and 76 Mp, Alex had never seen so many points, for some reason Alex felt like a child with a 100 bill in a candy store, he felt he could buy whatever he wanted, even if it wasn't.

Alex distributed his 45 Sp in his statistics AGI [★ C] - STR [★ D] - WIS [★ E], while with his 76MP, he takes several of his mutations to the maximum and others only increase them in a range.


Thus leaving his mutations like this:

Fangs: MAX

Magic Claws: II

Smell: VI

Bone Structure: MAX

Skin: MAX

View: MAX

Magic Core: VI

Muscle Fiber: I


Alex was a little confused since his mutations did not show changes like his claws, all the others only strengthened or improved that aspect, but his claws had drastic and remarkable changes, but although he already took some of those mutations to the maximum, these they ask for 50 or 40 MP to unlock a next mutation of the same branch, like their magic claws, the system this time did not show him anything he would get if he mutated them, it is as if only the first time was free and then the option didn't exist later.

This upset Alex a little, who only clenched his jaw tightly while enduring the effect of mutating, which became easier to bear, but it is still not something Alex wants to do for himself and only does it because he knows it is necessary.

But while the mutations began to make changes in Alex, when it came to the turn of his magic core, this stopped being able to accumulate mana, as if it had reached a limit, Alex's mana almost got out of control when a second small core began to take shape where all magical beasts usually have magic core, the opposite side of the heart.

All this was caused by the double leap of the mutation that Alex made with his magic core, apart from that as a variant being also affected the creation of a second core, but this was different from what Alex already had in his heart, instead being red with black and green touches, it had a prominent purple touch while there were red and green spots on the magic core.

A powerful wave of pain invaded Alex's body that made him close one eye while trying to stay awake by the waves of pain that invade his body.

While Alex forced himself to keep awake, powerful waves of mana left his body out of control and ravaged the environment by burning it completely while small blue sparks formed in Alex's fur.

Time only passed and this only caused the fire around Alex to rise and the amount of lightning to increase as well.

The place before full of weeds and trees now became an arid place with all charred by the fire or by the blue-purple rays that were generated from Alex's body.

But it was the fire that caused the most damage to Alex's surroundings, since his rays failed to reach farther than a meter from him.

Alex was surprised to see the rays hit the ground and confused at the same time, since their rays didn't do as much damage to the plants as it was supposed to be according to the logic that he understands, since a ray occupies an abysmal amount of voltage to advance through the air since the air is not a conductor of electricity as such.

Without Alex noticing the mutations were over, but he remained focused on trying to understand how a small amount of electricity moved through the air, he sat in the middle of the whole scorched place.

Alex stayed there until he found an answer that satisfied his curiosity so that only another doubt appeared when he saw the notification of the system that came into view when he finally paid attention to his surroundings.

[Mutation achieved: Magic Dual-Core]