
"Where are your favorite books?" Kira asked.

"What book? You mean the latest published comics of DC and Marvel ? Both are amazingly great"

"No. The Bible. Isn't it your favorite book?". She continued. "Everytime I am down, you always provide me with verses and quotations from the Bible. So I thought it was your favorite."

"Uhh", Layla lost her words.

"How is your devotions nowadays?"

Layla wasn't able to answer at once. She felt a little bit annoyed. She played back in her mind that since Kira has arrived, she kept on acting weird and throwing questions that makes her feel uncomfortable. So what's with that questions now?

In the heat of the emotion, still, Layla tried to calm down. She went to the living room and sat on the sofa.

She shrugged her shoulders and replied." Truth to tell. I often skipped my devotions. See that I have a long way travel from work and sometimes when I'm scrolling down my phone screen at night, I often knocks to sleep."

She gave a long face to Kira.

Kira commented. "Perhaps the morning is best for you--when you are fresh, before your day begins."

"It sounds good but nowadays, under the pressure of many responsibilities, little by little, the time became shortened. It was not an easy decision, it just seemed to happen that way. Until such time that I began to miss days now and then."

Kira made a downcast glance to Layla.

Layla turned and went to her shoe rack where she placed her sandals. She picked one and sit back to the sofa.

Kira sat beside her.

"My teacher once told to me that Bible Study and prayer means for our own spiritual growth. Indeed, this is true. As my teacher spoke we shouldn't forget that it also means something to God. At a great price we were redeemed. He valued so much our fellowship and it will also deepen our friendship."

Annoying level rising up.

Layla just played deaf. At last she invited Kira to go.

Time check - 9:06 AM

"Gosh,we're so damn late", Kira exclaimed.

Layla just sighed.


When they arrived in the Church, all eyes were nailed on the altar.

🔊 Beep. Beep.

1 message received

Such a noisy crap. Who would dare? Layla shaked her head in sarcasm.

🔊 Beep. Beep.

1 message received

Kira turned to me. She raised her eyebrows.

I raised mine too. What? I don't get it.

She raised her phone.

Oh! Is the noise came from me? I checked it. What a fool.

[Who said that inside the Church is the safest place away from the devil?]