
Layla gave in to temptation.

She desperately satisfied her temporary happines and acted impulsively. It left her powerless to fight against the urges and temporary feelings. She bacame preoccopied with the things in the world rather than to focus on her spiritual growth and resist the doings of the devil.

Upon reading the latest episode, she felt rotten. Previously she was so very excited to read her favorite comic but now she felt empty.

She was staring blankly and did not realize that she was looking at Kira and she found her.

Kira raised her brow in question. She pitied Layla. This is very far from their visions. She remembered her teacher once said that "we must keep our eyes on the prize". A runner must set her mind to win the race. A soldier needs to focus on what they are fighting for. Once a soldier lose its sight to the reward, time , efforts and sacrifices will be in vain. Though keeping your eyes on track will not guarantee a painless and sinless life, we must come to Him in faith, believe that He exists and rewards those who earnestly seek to Him. Let's keep away ourselves to be driven by our own desire and prosperity that might lead us to sin engtanglement and losing our identity.

She moved her hand to share her Bible.

While Layla was still out of her senses bombarded with guilt.

"How can I be so damn vulnerable", she thought and started to realize the things she had done. She used to hate those tricks.

Kira gave her a snap.

"No, thanks!". She refused to take the offer and acted like she was about to go to the bathroom.

She went out.

On her way, she accidentally crossed-path with Alu.

"Hi Lay, long time no see", Alu greeted and gave his hand."I'm happy to see you today".

Layla just smiled and gave him a handshake.

She felt a little bit awkward.

"We are planning to have a free tutorial to the kids on how to play the instruments this coming Saturday, wanna teach?", he asked.

It took her time to answer.

"It's okay if you already set your plans on that day". He smiled.

She just nod and both went to their separate paths. She paused. "I'll try to come", she gave her word but without any weight of commitment. She thought that the last time she checked, it's been a long time since she played guitar. It was the last time she saw Nana. Memories from the dim place started to ripple and she hates it, the more she became shattered.

Most of the times, Layla spend her weekends in her friend's house, spend hours at night , visits to her mother or stayed at home alone. She was very far from being Layla 3 months ago.


When she returned, after she reorganized her thoughts and emotions, the Praise and Worship team just started. She could feel their burning desire in praising. They were dancing and jumping in jubilee, laying their hands up like they were reaching God's hand, singing out loud with their hearts, bending their knees in surrendering their pains and consecrate... while Layla stood still at the back. She was stoned.


[I hope someone is continuing reading this..please vote for moral support 🙏🙏🙏😄😄😄]
