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The Beginning

Vampires in a zombie apocalypse.

I've always wondered what my purpose in life was until the unthinkable happened and then I knew....I sit up gasping for air and couldn't get any. I grab for my neck scratching at it. There's a burning in my throat like nothing I've ever felt before and an ache in my stomach for food, I need food now. I'm starving.

"You'll get used to the burning feeling but your hunger will only worsen. Here feed." A woman behind me wearing a black suit covered in blood says shoving a buff, tall, man to his knees in front of me. The man stares at me with blank eyes and blood dripping from two little wounds on his neck.

As soon as my eyes saw the Mark on his neck I pounce on the man digging my teeth in his throat before he can even blink. As soon as the blood touches my tongue I feel the air come back to me and feel invincible. A second later my senses heighten so much I can hear the man's heart beat, the sound of moans and groans from outside, then even a bee landing on a flower, well I presume it's a flower. I can smell the man before me intensely and even smell something dead all around outside.

The man whimpers breaking me from my thoughts. I come to my senses and release the man from my grip. He falls to the ground out like a light. "Wow. Your the first newborn I've ever seen or heard of who could stop during their first feeding and didn't kill their prey. Hell I've never been able to stop so early as well as you just did. You only drank three sips. Interesting. Now tell me how you feel?" The woman in the black suit says. I study her features for just a moment while pretending to not be mesmerized by her perfectly toned body and shoulder length thick blonde hair.

I feel anger boil inside me. This woman attacked me in the bathroom of the restaurant I'm at turning me into a vampire. I pass out for a second and wake up on the dirty floor then she shoves a tall guy at me telling me to feed and then has the nerve to ask me how I feel?! WTF?! This lady has lost her marbles and on top of that it smells like death around us and sounds like people are fighting and fucking in the restaurant, like what the heck is going on?!

"Why did you turn me into this? Who are you? Why does it smell like death out there? Are people fighting or something?" I ask hurriedly. She smiles perfect teeth and two long fangs at me. "I turned you to save you from becoming a zombie. My name is Cassandra. The whole restaurant is filled with zombies taring apart humans as we speak. You should thank me." She smirks.

My head spins for a second. One vampires exist and I am one now. Two there's zombies. Lastly three, people are dying around us in the restaurant and we are just standing here. "Why did you turn me?" I ask panicking inside. I need to help people but I need answers. "I'm gonna be honest with you." She says slowly then pauses. "Your scent was driving me crazy you smelt so delicious. When I first started to drink your blood was when I heard the zombies break into the restaurant and start ripping people apart. I haven't seen another vampire in a 100 years and I figure why not now create me a pet to kill these zombies for me and protect me. Now pet kill all the zombies then drink with me on the humans who are unbitten."

I feel my vangs ache to elongate even more so I let them. My nails grow out to a point like a knife. I growl at the monster before me. "Thanks for saving me." I say rudely then in one swift movement I rip off her head and squeeze it between my hands. It pops like a pimple with her brains and blood shooting out.

I drop it and stumble back. I can't believe this all happened!!! I'm a freaking vampire and there's zombies! I just killed a crazy vampire lady with my bare hands and I liked it. The strange thing is I'm totally different. I'm actually calm. I normally would have freaked out and thought this all was crazy. It would have taken me so long to wrap my head around all this but somehow, someway I feel used to it, non-surprised. Maybe it's because I'm a vampire now. Hmmm. Weird.