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8. Home

Marie's POV:

As I drive through the night my mind races and absorbs everything around me. My senses are off the charts. I can't believe even with the windows up I can smell and hear things from really far away. What's even crazier is that I can see even farther or closer. When I look at my hand I look so close I can see the particles moving which make up my skin. Its wicked awesome.

Another thing I've noticed is that my memory is perfect. Before I turned I could barely remember what I ate the day before and now I can remember everything up to the point my mother gave birth to me. Such a beautiful moment. The way my mom and dad looked at me with tears in their eyes, face glowing, and feeling love in the air. The bright lights surrounding them blinding me and their voices. "Your perfect oh my gosh I love you!" Mom cries out. "She's so beautiful! I love you so much baby girl" Dad says as the nurse hands me to him and sows up my mom. I touch my forehead remembering him kissing me there. Wow.

This is crazy. My memories are so precious. I can relive any good or bad memory and feel every emotion and hear every thought I was thinking during that moment. I grab my chest as I feel emotions stirring in me. I hear my heart beat 1 time and feel the air go out of my lungs. I gasp for a second and feel pain for just a moment. What in the world? A second later I'm just fine. That's strange. Hmmm...oh well.

I slow the truck down as the smell of perfume hits my nose and hear what sounds like someone running through the roads. I slam on my breaks as a woman runs out of the woods onto the road waving her arms. "Help!" She screams scared. No one in the vehicle stirs as everyone is a sleep.

"Wake up y'all!" I yell then roll down my window as the woman approaches my door. "Are you okay?" I ask making sure I sound sincere. I smell the dead not too far from behind her and hear her heavy breathing along with an erratic heartbeat. "No they're chasing me! Can I please go with y'all? I'm all alone! Please?" She yells frantically. I hear a twig break a few yards away from us. My eyes spot three undead a few yards behind her through the dense woods. "Are you bit?" I ask quickly as I examine her. She isn't bit but has cuts all over her body from running through the woods in the dark. She's 5'10, pale with freckles, green eyes, shoulder length black hair, and sharp model like features. "No. Please?" She cries out. "Nikki let her in." I say turning to face Nikki her brown eyes sparkle. She doesn't hesitate and opens her door. "Get in." I say as I get out of the truck grabbing a knife. "Marie!" Nikki screams after me worriedly. I smile to myself and in one swift mood I throw my knife perfectly through the dark dense woods. My knife goes straight through one zombie's head then through another's and ends up in the third ones throat. "Perfect." I mumble to myself then get back in the truck. "Sorry guys thought I saw something." I lie as I shut the door. Zander looks at me then my empty hand and winks at me. He's more observant than I thought. Good.

"Lets get out of here before those things show up!" The woman we just let in the truck says freaking out. "Gotcha. What's your name?" I ask as we drive off. The truck gets quiet for a few seconds as the woman's breath starts to slow down almost to normal. "Hannah. Thank y'all so much! I didn't know how much longer I could've gone." She says trying to hide her tears but I can smell her salty tears and hear her wipe them from her eyes. I don't say anything I give someone else the chance to speak. "I'm Nikki, this is my daughter Sylia, Zander, and Marie. You're welcome. It's nice to know we aren't alone. Are you bleeding?" Nikki asks, I sense her move towards Hannah. Zander turns on the light and Nikki gasps. "Do we have a med kit or something?" "Yes it's under Sylia's seat." I answer Nikki. "Perfect. Hannah, your in good hands now. I'm a registered nurse and from the looks of it you might need some stitches." "Here you go momma." Sylia says handing Nikki the med kit. "I will examine your cuts further when we get to where we are going but for right now let me sterilize your cuts then put bandaids on them." "Okay." Hannah says then all we hear is, "Ooo, ahh, that stings." "Sorry." Nikki apologises then it's quiet again.