A difficult case

Two days had pass since Mr Smith visit and tranquility has just return to the clinic. JuWon was looking over some of his past case, when the phone rang.

" hello mister Park, its me Mr smith I got your first job, do not worry you are not working alone, just wait for our car, if you have any questions save them for when we meet, bye bye"

JuWon was left freeze next to the phone trying to process what just happen. However, before he could do anything, a knock interrupt him.

" Mister Park, we came to pick you up"

" ok give me a sec"

Carrying his laptop JuWon, walk outside and saw two men in black suits with black sunglasses. They look at JuWon and with a nod they turn around and walk to the car where they wait with the door to car open.


The whole ride was mysterious and scary since JuWon could not see anything through the car window. Finally the car came to stop and the door open. Getting off the car hit notice Mr Smith.

" how was your ride Mr park."

With a tired face JuWon answer, " confusing"

" you get use to it, now please follow me, time is of the essence"


Inside a room, multiple researchers and doctor from all ages were sitting down talking among themselves, many of them were celebrities in their field. Everyone held papers on their hands that describe the problem for what they were called.

The paper describe, a 8 year old girl that suffer from a leukemia sort of disease. From the blood test, and other test the initial conclusion was leukemia, however now that multiple doctors had a look at the paper, the result was something similar to Rh disease. This happen two blood type have different protein, and therefore cant combine. This lead to the mother loosing their kids during pregnancy due to mother rejecting the kid. However, it was treatable with new born childrens.

The problem was that the proteins found during the test was like nothing they have ever seen. This could even be a new blood type they were looking at. This made it hard since one of the main treatment was blood transfusion.

After looking over all the evidence, the conclusion was that the lady was too old to be treated, and they could not perform all the treatments since the blood type seem new discovery. The treatment, would also require a heart transplant, since if people do not get treated as new born they could get heart diseases, leukemia, and weak immune system.

As time went on, researchers and doctors started leave at least those that were not experts on the field. At the end only two were left sitting down. However after a while, only JuWon was left alone with Mr. Smith.

" why did everyone left, we could still formulate a theory for a therapy, and treatment" ask JuWon confuse.

" They are all leading important research, therefore they can't add another case to their time." answer mr smith, however he knew why they left, they were scare of the responsibility of hurting a patient of that caliber. Only a newbie, that just join would think to treat someone from outer space.

" I can not treat this, but a friend of my, is a expert on Rh disease, it sort of like his archenemy, he almost lost his mom, and little brother to it, his name is Santana"

" Santana, we tried to recruit him but he reject us"

"The last institution he join, stole all of his research and almost cost him his life, luckily that how he met his wife and she sponsor his research, however I think he open to me, but I will need more blood not alter, and full immunity for my friend no secret visits, and if there is a problem it all ends with me"

" ok you have your blood in a hour, but Mr park time is of essence"
