Scary Nightmare


The sound of latch opening had me curl up in the bed and shut my eyes more tightly, gripping the blanket in my fist. The angry footsteps against the floor in otherwise silent night elevated my heartbeat more and my breaths started coming out in pants as the person started nearing.

The hand ripped blanket away from my body and other hand hauled my body upwards. Frightened, I frantically tried to loosen the painful hold on my arm only to have the grip tightening.

Tears sprang, in my brown eyes and scream tore from my throat as my eyes landed on the masked intruder whose red bloodshot eyes stared at me menacingly. The masked intruder glared angrily clamping my mouth shut and strangling my neck with the other hand that had gripped me previously.

My eyes widened as I felt my windpipe being chocked. Desperately, I tried clawing onto the hand of my assaulter, only to be pressed back on the bed with him hovering over me with a manic glint in those scary eyes.

The tears flowed mercilessly and I couldn't breathe. I thrashed wildly, as the grip on my throat tauten painfully, the life in my eyes fading away as I felt the death sucking life the out of me -



I opened my eyes gasping for air, I gulped a large amount of air through my nose and mouth trying to provide my lungs the required oxygen.

"Shh... you are okay. It was just a nightmare."

"Innaya, it's okay. You are okay sweetheart."

"Lascia andare caro. Sono qui. Non ti preoccupare."(Let go dear. I am here. Don't worry.)

Eshan's smooth voice calmed my estranged nerves.

I realized Eshan was holding me, caressing me as someone does to a scared child. I just let his solid presence, his comforting hands, his encouraging and calming words wash over me assuring me it was just a nightmare, a scary nightmare.

My heart that was thudding madly started slowing down as I felt his steady heartbeats under my palm pressed against his chest beside my face.

My breathing returned to normal as well as the shivering of my body stopped. Maybe, Eshan realized that too as he pulled himself away. His palms cupped my face and pad of his thumbs rubbed gently under my eyes, wiping the reminiscent of tears that had flown in my sleep.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

"Hmm," I found myself nodding.

I took a proper look at him, hair disheveled as if he had run his hands through them many times messing them in frustration, tired face, eyes worried, in short he appeared as shaken as me.

Our eyes locked and I saw relief flooding in his eyes as I tried assuring him by blinking my eyes.

Eshan leaned towards me, all the while looking into my eyes. I presumed he could see surprise registering in my eyes, as he stopped with his face inches apart from mine, maybe waiting for some reaction, sort of giving me chance to deny him, push him. I could feel his warm breath on my skin tinkling my already heightened senses.

I gave no response, hypnotized with his captivating eyes, Eshan placed his lips on my forehead giving an affectionate and lingering kiss as if silently conveying his worry, concern, his all emotions, his unsaid words. My eyes closed at the instant I felt his affectionate touch. The close proximity affecting strongly as I felt anxiety being replaced by fuzzy feeling in my heart.

"I was scared!" I heard Eshan whisper against my skin still in the same position, his lips moving against my forehead playing tantalisingly against my senses causing the blush to rise on my face.

"I'm sorry!" Eshan confessed in guilty tone, his voice heavy with emotions.

He pulled back slowly, coming to his original place still not removing his palms cupping my face. I could see how sorry he felt for the whole situation, even though at first place it was not his fault.

"I'll bring food, you need to eat," saying so Eshan turned to leave.

I held his wrist stopping him. I did not feel like eating. He turned, looking questioningly towards me.

I took my hand back quickly thinking he did not like the gesture. I hurriedly explained that I do not need food.

"I was not asking your opinion. You have to eat." Eshan answered being his usual self with me. He behaved as if everything was normal. He did not question first as I thought, he cared about my well-being.

Not giving me further chance, Eshan made his way towards the door, I stared at his retreating back, with little amusement as if seeing this shade of him for the first time, when he suddenly turned back and giving his that breathtaking smile said, "I'll be back soon!"

I managed to nod slightly, his smile knocking my breath away. A small smile appeared on my face.

Once he left, I glanced at the wall clock. It read 10 pm. I'd slept for more than four hours. Dragging myself out of the bed, I walked into the bathroom.

The puffy red eyes, messy hairs, dried tear marks greeted me as I stood in front of the mirror. It was miracle Eshan did not feel disgusted with my appearance instead he kissed me.

I knew he would have more questions this time and I wondered how he felt about happenings of this evening.

He deserved to know, not the complete part yet some bits and pieces so that he could understand me better. I could not let my fears create distance in our relation. The relation I willingly accepted.

Firming my decision, I sprawled water on my face letting the cold water wash out my remaining worries.
