Make Love


"Agreed, all this is new for you. I ain't any veteran. If you think a bit more, clothes never defined anyone's dignity. A person who is barely clothed could be much more dignified than the one covered in clothes of high wealth. It's just a matter of perspective. If you search a bit more, you'll find a lot of tribes where clothes aren't a necessity.

What happened upstairs, was an accident. Even if it wasn't, what of it? Sooner or later these worldly possessions are not going to exist in between us. Then what are you getting stressed over? Don't. Don't let it make you feel under-confident. Don't let it cast a barrier in between us. I need you by my side. If our relationship were to suffer because of the topic of intimacy, I promise I won't bring it up again—"

I placed my hands on his lips, cutting off what he was going to continue. Could he get anymore perfect?