Decision from the Mountain

"What's now we will do."

Star tribal conference at the first.

"We never suffer like this situation Kalo."

"I know that."

Surya head master also felt impatience. They never expected this kind of shame will appear to the mountain.

"Kalo how is the child now."

At the end fire tribal master enter the conversation. As before today too he remained mute.

"Now she is great, but that time she couldn't even explain her own suffering. She had a great courage. I didn't tell that to the principle. Otherwise, she will take the kids with no conversation."

"What should we do now?"

About the condition no one doesn't have the explanation. Everyone depends on the Kalo. They felt he is the person considerable in this field.

"I have one solution. I'm certain they'll settle with this, because when they talking those comments are reasonable even, I don't have answers for those debates."

"What's the solution?"

"I think Agni should be here, because he's the holder of the bird."

Luna fulfil the Kalo's demand. She delivered a note to Agni to show up to the chamber room and carry his bird with him. Agni knew chaos that appeared.

"Agni, you know today is an especially for everybody. We have a duty for these children' safety. So, why you brought the Gulab outside?"

"Gulab never did this before."

Master from the Fire tribal started to scream him because of his arrogance and inflexibility. He doesn't care about those advice from their adults. They thought this is a perfect moment to discipline him.

"Kalo has an explanation. I'd like to tell the whole the representatives in this chamber, whatever he decided that's the final judgment."

From the fire tribe's master confirm the decision, because they knew Kalo never take a wrong decision.

"Every kid's request is to move to capital. They scared to the bird. They expect something will appeared because of this bird. So, I considered a better solution is... to poison the bird. That mean we have to poison the Gulab."

Everyone listens to the Kalo. Agni shocked and frozen. Gulab is a bird, but for him he is precious. Whole the mountain knew that. Gulab became a shadow to him.

"I can't do that. I'm not allow you to poison my Gulab, because of those 5 children. You all know who the true holder of the bird is. So why you all…...?"

Agni didn't admit with Kalo's decision. He yelled. His behaviour doesn't set to the chamber, so guide catch him after fire tribe master's approval. Not only him they arrested the bird again. Agni's heart wrap with frighten. He felt they'll murder the bird right now.

"If you murder my Gulab. I'll kill those 5 children. Don't ignore that."

He yelled to full chamber.

"I informed them I'll hand over the answer tomorrow. Don't fear. Bird will survive until tomorrow. If they settle with me. I'll kill him. I'll do that. This is a perfect message for you because you even not observe to anyone."

Agni couldn't even do anything against Kalo's decision. What ever happened he certifies to himself to kill those children.

Before sun rise Kalo came to the middle of the bridge to discuss the decision he had discuss with committee yesterday. He felt at least a slight of confident about his decision. Even he felt kids will admit with him. From the other hand, Raki couldn't close her eyes for a slight, so her eyes full dressed in drowsiness. Although she couldn't forget yesterday incident at a bite. It's occurred in front of her eyes like a cinema.

"What's your decision Kalo?"

Asked head principle when she met him. Kids also appeared outside when they discovered the tone from Kalo. Everyone surprised after seen they have work up soon.

"Because of the bird this scene created. So, we'll killed the bird."

Raki shocked after hearing his decision. She never expected this will arrive. She felt unhappy about the news.

"Don't do that. Don't kill that bird."

Raki said loudly. Kalo surprised. From the start he felt they will admire this decision.

"How it's become good news. That's a foolish solution I have ever received."

She screamed.

"You all said yesterday, because of the bird you can't enter to the mountain. So now what?"

"We never said to kill the bird."

"Hey, Raki don't bother about the bird. If they kill or not, it doesn't involve for us."

Pushpa came in between their decision. She determined after death of the bird, the question will clear up.

"Pushpa don't say like a dumb. If they kill the bird, do you think the owner of the bird will allow us to survive? He knows because of us the bird is dying,"

Kalo surprised after listen to Raki's word. He realized before speaking she assumes further.

"Raki is true Pushpa. I'm still thinking it's not a stronger idea to agree."

Navodya also agree with Raki's theory.

"And also, I'm now okay. Nothing will turn into good after murdering the bird."

"But we have to kill the bird if you didn't show up to the mountain."

Kalo took his moment to say that. All of them remain silent for a slight. If they led to the city will took an innocent animal's soul.

"Okay, we'll move to the mountain, but promise us one point. That you will not grant us the bird's living zone."

Aruni gave their final decision and everyone agree with her.

"Yeah, that's safe without killing an innocent animal."

Kalo and Luna was glad for the amazing decision they took. Kalo didn't show up his delight, but Luna couldn't bury her excitement and all the tears fell through her eyes.

"Okay, I said before whatever the decision my children will take, I'll agree with them. So now they like to go to the mountain. It doesn't affect my decision."

Head principle also conforms with them.

"All turns into a good position. Still the main gate didn't open. Just wait few minutes and then Erick and Merinda will take you all. Ah.... Bird will never show up to your front because the owner of the bird from Fire tribe. That tribe remain in far away from the school."


"Hey guys, did they wait for us?"

Rangika said while flashing her eyes after seen their school friends and they forgot their tension and fear.

"Don't you think they have to welcome us by putting the red carpet?"

Raki said glowed her eyes and pushing her smile, but her friends couldn't stop the laugh.

"This is your section."

Merinda showed their school section belong to them. She specially showed their hostel and class rooms. In the hostel room five of them rooms in a one big room. There only five beds for each of them and five cupboards with student name. Not only the cloths they could put their books and other items.

Raki didn't satisfy the location and facilities. She felt like there is something missing and she didn't feel this will fit for her. The reason was the whole room design like an old house. They made everything with wood and there wasn't any modern technology for use them. So Raki felt like she moves to 15th century.

"Get ready for the meeting within 1-hour. When you heard the main bell sound that meaning the meeting going to start. Don't forget you all must take part for that."

Eric mention every information they must know and left the room with Merinda.

"There are not enough facilities, but it's looks like okay."

Raki and Rangika both laugh what Aruni said with her half a smile. All of them waited until they hear the bell sound. They had times, so Raki unpacked her all luggage using her time.

"Why are you in a hurry? Don't you hear what they said? After the meeting we're free. We can do all of these after that."

Navodya throw a pillow towards Raki and said, but she didn't agree with her idea.

"Yes, they said, but they didn't say how long it'll take. Did they?"

"I don't think this stupid meeting will take a long time."

Rangika also agree with her friend. However, Raki thought it will be a good idea for clean her bag, because she didn't have lots of cloths.

"Okay let's see what will happen sweetie."

After finishing that Raki sat on the bed and said rolling her eyes. Everyone got a shower to fresh. Raki was the last person to use the washroom. After taking a shower she felt like she still alive. They waited more times and Raki took her wrist watch to wear it in her hand. She didn't miss this watch what ever happen, and she wears it every time. All thought this is her habit in her life, but the real reason behind this watch not only the habit. She had a hideous birth mark in her wrist. She doesn't want to show anyone, and she thought they will laugh at her. She doesn't like that. Only Rangika and Aruni knew the reason, and they didn't tell the reason for anyone.

What ever happened no one thought what Raki said. To ring the bell, it didn't take much time and they all walk to the main hall. They didn't have an issue to find the hall because everyone walks towards the main hall to attend the meeting. So, they had to follow them. Seniors must wait to welcome their junior brothers and sisters. Seniors from the medical faculty students got surprised after realizing that they have only 5 girls for this time faculty. They didn't talk much about that because they didn't have time.