The secret that appeared from Marnitha

Due to the extra work Raki couldn't attend the few of the classes, so since morning, she was busy with her studies. On the afternoon she picked up her missing homework from the friends and moved to the Arohi's room because she figured out, she couldn't go through her for a few days and better to look at her. She grabbed her books and got near to Arohi's room and placed the books on the table and get in the room. However, when she got in the room, she noticed that Arohi is falling asleep and she doesn't want to disturb her, so without creating any noise Raki came out from the room. On that time Aruth, Chanchala and Prabuddhi had classes so they could only take place in the evening. They already inform Raki that reason she planned to remain outside. While speculating about her school homework she considered to finished that. So, she sat on the bench. While studying to her books she absorbed in there.

Arohi's servant Marnitha saw that Arohi's doctor seated on the outside. Marnitha notices she is alone.

"This is the best time to tell her."

Without even thinking twice she arrived near to Raki. She didn't notice Marnitha's appearance.

"Little ma'am, are you busy?"

When Raki heard her tone, she frightened and lift her head.

"Ohhhh Marnitha... no I'm not busy. Do your wanner talk to me."

"Yeah... I wish to say something serious and absolutely secret matter."

Raki put her book away and shift to her position.

"Yes, tell me. What you need to tell."

"You should not mention anyone little ma'am. You have to promise me."

"Don't worry I'm not going to tell anyone and first of all sit-down."

When Marnitha heard that from Raki, she surprised because she can't sit together with high-class people. Raki noticed why she faltered to sit with her. She was amazed after seen this person fear.

"Don't worry I'm not a mountain civilian. So, you don't prefer to worry about your class. I'm from the capital. Did you forget? If you need to talk to me sit behind me. Otherwise don't."

Marnitha notices she isn't easy. If she requires something, she will accomplish that anyhow.

"Why you can't listen to me little ma'am. Did you forget mountain rules?"

"Did you forget you're an adult? You're older than me. I have to respect at least for your age."

Marnitha couldn't beat against her arguments. She felt silent for a minute.

"There is no one around us. Sit down...."


Finally, Marnitha has to listen to his words. She lay behind Raki. While assembling the books Raki smile quietly. Marnitha caught her secret laugh. She was so glad to look at little ma'am's playful grin.

"You're a very naughty little ma'am."

While smiling Marnitha said. She knew Raki is the entirely one she could communicate. Before she reveals anything, she lay down on the bench properly and talk reducing her sound. Marnitha's story came out with a suspiciously because her tone and her expressions indicates that undoubtedly. Raki's smile also disappeared.

When Raki left to operate out of the mountain only three of them went behind Arohi's treatment. They are Aruth, Chanchala and Prabuddhi. After testing, one day they left Arohi in the evening. After their leave, Mukthi enters to Arohi's room. That time Marnitha secretly admit to their discussion.

"Why Arohi's mother arrived?"

"She ordered her to pick up her release."

Raki was amazed her mother is calling for her release so why Marnitha has to overcome.

"Don't worry Marnitha. She is proposing for her release. What's the big deal?"

"Little ma'am doesn't identify the effect of the release in the mountain."

"What's that mean?"

Raki was now frightened because she couldn't find out what's the risk in that term.

"Freedom means death."

She felt silent for a second. She couldn't even determine that her own mother claiming her death. Without knowing Raki's eyes reached the tears. She was puzzled what's the reason behind Mukthi to charge like that serious demand. For that also Marnitha had the answer. Since her birth no one cares about her and now her mother loved to vanish her from the mountain, and she required to get the edge of Arohi's tragedy.

"What Arohi said?"

"Already, she settled with her. She advised me to not to inform you. She is truly bothered about you. I notice she absolutely loves you like a sister. Please little ma'am please save her. I'm truly upset about her. I don't recognize what will crop up in the future."

Completely, Marnitha breaks down in front of Raki. She still couldn't figure out what's appearing here now. She hoped everything will gesture to perfect after Arohi became fully recover, but she discovered something that she never expected to listen.

"I'll take care of that. Don't worry Marnitha."

Eventually, Raki said. After winding up the discussion Marnitha left and Raki remains alone the outside. She planned to enter Arohi's room, but she still sleeps. She calmly sat on her bed. Raki looking to her sleeping body for a moment. How pathetic her way of life she has a mother, but she doesn't care about her and she has a family, but they don't need her. She is alone since her childhood. How could she live like this? Raki lost for a second that time Arohi already get up.

"When you came? I'm sorry I slept, and I didn't noticed you."

"It's okay."

"I miss you sooo much. Didn't you miss me?"

While hugging Arohi said. She was absolutely glad to see her. Every day she hopes to see Raki's face because after seen she felt like she has a family. Raki noticed she didn't offer her sorrowful face and pretended to be she is absolutely fine. However, Arohi felt something isn't normal and Raki's different showed through her mute. She didn't deal with anything.

"Where you travelled? Marnitha said to me you moved out of the mountain?"

"Why you're not speaking to me? Why you're furious with me?"

Arohi was shocked. She doesn't identify what to respond and what went on to Raki. Thereupon other three also get in the room.

"Did we late?"

"No, you guys are not late."

Finally Arohi heard a few words from Raki's mouth, but yet she is confused about her transformation. However, after other's arrival, Arohi felt restrained.

"Do you guys know any toxin that if someone could kill?"

Raki said those words with a tough face. No one saw what's the sense behind those words.

"Hey Chuttie what happened who needs to kill."

Prabuddhi said while appearing to her side.

"I have someone that I prefer to kill. I truly wish to kill."

"What the hell you're talking Chuttie. You're talking like a dangerous character."

Chanchala saw her varied and her buried passion. He couldn't remain silent anymore. Arohi also puzzled about the talk.


Finally, Aruth also called her name.

"Really, I need to give her release. I honestly demand to work out that."

Raki talks like a silly guy. After finding out the word freedom Arohi understood what the reason behind her difference and her head lean down and tears came finding her eyes. However, she didn't mention anything.

"What freedom."

"For freedom why you choose to kill someone."

Aruth, Chanchala and Prabuddhi now became distracted. They couldn't spell out anything.

"In here freedom means death. Not the freedom that we can look here and there."

Now they found out the reason for her impatience. Everything connected to Arohi.

"Arohi what's going on. I think Chuttie is talking about you."

Aruth asked directly from her because he understood situation a little. However, Arohi didn't tell anything and screamed while holding Raki's hand. After watching her tears Raki couldn't reveal anything against her. She noticed her companions also now entrap after attending her strange words. So she resolved to point out everything.

After reviewing the actual subject of the freedom three of them frozen, and it's connected to her mom.

"What's going on here?"

"We moved here to attend this one. If you choose to die why you requested our support."

"I'm sorry. I can't run against my mom. If she needs something she will work out that after doing anything. To know that if she wishes to kill someone she will do that because she picks up that authority from her parents."

While crying Arohi explains her mother.

"Don't bother I'll prepare a lecture to your mother and to whole the mountain. Pretended to be nothing resulted and don't inform anybody that we felt about this."

In the result, Raki thought to do something, but she doesn't realize what she could do.

"Chuttie what can we do? This is a major matter."

Aruth reminds her that this is not straightforward to determine because this applied to the mountain law.

"I know that. I'm going to the library. At least I can get something referred to this matter."

Raki said while holding. Prabuddhi suggests moving together, but she rejected her offer. Raki thought someone will assume their adjustment and they have to wary.

"I'll come tomorrow."

While rubbing Arohi's tears Raki said because she realized how tough to hold this case to her. Before leaving she guides to her friend what they must do and also she asked Marnitha to not to notify anybody that she spoke of this issue to her.

"Marnitha can you help me to save Arohi?"

"What should I do little ma'am? I'll do anything."

Without mentioning anything she admits with Raki.

"Can you become a spy for me?"


Marnitha doesn't know the purpose behind that term, so she became complicated.

"You have to assemble every information secretly from Arohi's mother. What action taking her against Arohi, but secretly. That means without noticing others."

"I'll do. don't worry."

Raki put her initial step for this complication. No one knew Marnitha became a snoop for Raki at least her friends.