"Love will turn into lust."

"All right! With that I want all of you to make an illustration with a little write up about your friend. First, you need to take out your pencils and coloring materials. I would like you to draw as many things you could imagine doing with your best friend and as well as your friends. Describe your friend in the drawing and what he is doing. Okay, start class and I will just keep your notes in my office." an old and timid voice echoed in the room full of children.

Edgar who is sitting in the top right of the room, his eyes wandering, waiting for an idea to pop out from his exciting and naïve mind. Meanwhile, in the corner, invisible to all, his older self, watches the innocent one draw what he thinks of his friends.

After some time, the teacher came back and collected the pupil's work and after, they presented each of their work. Edgar was the eight presenter in the class he presented a drawing of five persons in a black background with specs of light surrounding a big roaring fire that glows a brilliant yellow.

"What I imagine that my friends and I will always is to be in a forest, camping and at night we tell stories in a big fire for hours. We will be telling stories of fun and what I like most is spooky stories before we sleep. My friends are very helpful and kind person they protected me once and I will protect them when they need help. That is all ma'am Ruth" Edgar said enthusiastically in his report.

"Good work, Edgar you may now sit and listen to the report of others. Okay next is Michael.", the old woman smiled.

Many minutes have passed but Edgar saw how he was very enthusiastic his younger self is. He was full of energy and motivation to learn everything but was weak in physical means as what he has seen in his physical education class making him the weakest and also the focus of many bullies in his school. But there was always one person whom he really trusts and where he always goes when he is being hurt by his bullies.


"Good afternoon ma'am Ruth. Ma'am, may I come in? Angelo wants to steal my lunch again.", said the teary-eyed Edgar while still being followed by his present self.

"Of course dear, come in and eat your lunch here. Don't worry just go to me when they want to hurt you, Okay? Don't fight, I will always be right here. I will protect you.", said the short-haired teacher reassuring the sad lad.

"I will, miss. Thank you for everything ma'am.", replied Edgar.

"You are a brilliant child, Edgar. Someday you will do something that will change the world. Remember when someone wants to stop you from doing what you want, don't let them, instead let them be or just explain to them and maybe you can be friends with them.", the teacher said while looking into his eyes and wiping the tears off.

He hugged his kind teacher and the two ate their lunch together and chatted happily about school and home where Edgars sees the innocence in his past self. Confused he wanted more answers for his questions, he reached for the two people when suddenly,

"Remember me, Child!!!", whispered by the wind when suddenly, time stopped, everything froze from where they were that only his younger self was moving. Swaying his foot, it was apparent to Edgar that the boy was whispering something. Edgar came closer to hear what the boy was whispering and repeating.

"Remember her. She will save you. Listen to Her. Don't let her leave. Please, don't!", the boy whispers to himself bowing, hiding his tears, and pointing to the teacher.

The boy kept repeating the same words for some time but stopped when Edgar held him. The boy stood up still bowing and went through the door and opened it. The door creaked open revealing a hallway dimly lit which was full of lockers and cabinets of trophies and snow globes. The boy got out stopped at the middle of the hallway and pointed to the light at the end of the hallway.

"Go, friend! Go to her! She'll help you find the answers. Go to them and say sorry! Now, GO! RUN!", whispered by the boy.

"But why?!", Edgar replied.

"Remember!", The boy answered when all of a sudden, the whole place was shaking and ear-piercing alarms have permeated every inch of the buildings. Vases, snow globes, cabinets, and trophies started falling while Edgar started running, maintaining his balance, then a similar voice was heard, it was FAQ blaring something wrong in the school speakers in the hallway.

"Memory dump destabilizing. Please evacuate to Simulation Room I for safety. Main blast doors closing in T-10 seconds, 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2!", The A.I. warned.

As the doors were about to close, Edgar safely crossed the hallway and entered in the Simulation Room. Because of exhaustion, he blacked out and the last thing he heard is, "Back-up generator fuel critical level, total blackout in T-5 hours. Please start evacuating! Core meltdown imminent in T-5 hours 28 minutes….!"


"Sir his brainwaves are becoming erratic. Shall we abort?"