"Time always branches bearing different fruits."

"Stop dreaming and stop acting. You can't save her from your timeline. Go back and shutdown Phoenix and finish Atlas it's all what you got to help her. It may be too late to save her from your world, but it may not be the same as the others." It whispered to him.

He slowly opened his eyes. He was blinded by the bright white light in the middle of what it seems to be a wide white room. As his sight became clear he was certain of where he was. A white room filled in every corner with camera and white light that gave him a nostalgic feeling, the feeling of anger, hatred and most of all death that made his hair stood on end. Shivering, he looked around him and was surprised and stood aback because it was the examination room. The room he dreaded to come back to because of the guilt he shouldered of what had happened to the people that have placed their trust in him. The people that wanted to take their lives back. The lives that were taken by his project, ATLAS.

He headed out of the soft foamy room. The door creaks heavily as he stumbles to the same hallway where he met the black demon, but it seems that many things have changed, there was no debris of broken snow globes but only a cabinet full of them intact and in good shape. The portrait that where full holes and faded were restored to a new state like they were brand new and was professionally restored. He continued to the end of the hallway that almost feel very far because of his limping walk. He approached the door and as he touched the copper knob something cold touched him in his shoulder and something was making his bare foot drenched in something cold, very cold.

"Do not look back. You need to move on and go to a new world and do not let yourself be astray and repeat what you have done in here. It may too late for but not for yourself in the next world. Time travel will never be good it will end everything even time itself. It will never end good for those people that he wanted to help. You learned it the hard way, don't you? HAHAHAHA!", The creature in white told him laughing.

"Do not let him let her die or you will never be with her ever again." The creature continued in a whispering voice.

Edgar looked back but there was no one there but darkness. The hallway that was just lit moments ago was blurred out like a void. He opened the door and there he saw a sphere made of ink spewing black ink all over the room. He went closer to the void and then suddenly stopped when he noticed the void changed color to red. He continued to step closer to the void and as he approached it became a darker pigment of red and started to swell.

"Please touch spheroid to initialize ATLAS Program!" Blurted the speakers covered in the black ink.

Edgar touched the red-brown spheroid and the computer monitor lit up. He wiped the monitor with his bare hands and read the screen.


Password: |

Please enter your alpha-numeric password to initialize ATLAS PROGRAM!

Note: You have only 2 attempts. If all attempts are consumed this program will be terminated and all NEUROONNECT™ will be violated and disconnected automatically.

Warning: Disconnecting with NEUROCONNECT™ will cause permanent damage to the brain. Proceed cautiously!

The computer was one of the first computer mas produced by his grandfather's company, the AMALGAMATED ZEPHYRUS I. One of the most powerful computers of its time, a first-generation quantum computing machine.

He looked at the desk and saw a red paper with something written to it. It was written in cursive, reminiscent of someone he once knows but he had given up remembering. He looked at the faded text.



It was the password his father always uses as the final one. He typed the letter one by one and pushed the enter button. The computer showed a message box saying, "Password Accepted! Welcome Kylie!"

He was surprised. Kylie was logged in! But just as he clicked the recent timeline the computer slowly disintegrated and formed a blue vortex. He only saw one data that was accessed by Kylie, a data folder called HELIOS EXPERIMENT.

The speakers in the room suddenly blurted in a piercing voice saying to enter the vortex immediately and that the vortex is unstable and will dissolve permanently in 5 minutes. The vortex began sucking everything inside the room and in just a blink of an eye Edgar was inside the vortex falling indefinitely in the void, not knowing where he will end up going. ----TO BE CONTN'D----