Recyclable ~ Not-Recyclable

The next day when he woke up, Raphael searched the Go*gle for some news before turning his phone off. Raphael went to the Marcel's room which is in the same apartment as him, and he lived alone…away from his family…alone.

I politely knocked on Marcel's door, after a while the sound of someone's feet shuffling to the door and looking at the peeping hole on his door sounded out before Marcel suddenly opened the door revealing his surprised and sweating face.

"Hahaha… Raphael, what did you come here for? Why didn't you call me before you come here, I would have prepared more if you called." Marcel said while scanning Raphael's face that is devoid of emotion.

"Hmm… Raphael was just passing by so Raphael decided to visit you." Raphael said as he pushed in Marcel's room ignoring the very surprised look on his face, Raphael walked toward the bedroom vice versa guestroom vice versa study room and dining room.

"Hey, what's with your speech, why did you sound li-"Mario cannot speak anymore, he heaved some breath looking at the dagger stabbed at the right side of his chest, at this right lungs.

Mario fell down holding on his chest while heaving for his breath, Raphael then rummaged Mario's pocked before walking off and saying "You won't die immediately cause Raphael stabbed at your lungs, maybe in minutes you will dies, or maybe dozens minutes but Raphael is sure that you won't die immediately so Raphael will let your phone be here so you can call the ambulance or the apartment manager or your friends, so do your best to crawl here." As he is busy doing something else.

Mario tried hard to tilt his head, looking at the phone left near the door while Raphael is busy writing something on the wall, at this time Mario didn't have the capacity to think why did Raphael did this even if he knows the reason for it, Mario turned tried to turn his body while pressing the wound on his chest.

Mario was too busy grasping his hope, his only hope to live, he tried to stand up and walked while the blood bubbled out from his chest, the breath he took seep out from the hole on his chest but in the next moment he fell into his knees.

At this time Raphael was exiting the room and he locked the door from outside using Mario's key. Mario then crawled as he heaved heavily as if he run a marathon without stop. He crawled desperately; his focus was only at the phone laying near the door to his door.

He focused so much that he didn't notice the transparent tape until it's stuck on his face, in his panic he flailed ripping of the tape but his breath become more labored as he dropped into the floor sending a wave of pain trough his fading consciousness, waking him up once again.

Mario pressed his hand on his wound again trying to slow down the blood flowing out from the hole. Desperately he dragged himself forward using his hand to drag him while his legs is pushing him forward too.

Imagine his joy when he finally reached the phone, he tried to turn on the phone but it didn't turn on. His joy was decreasing as the despair was creeping on his heart, Mario finally flipped the phone only to see the casing was taken off and the battery was no longer there.

In his despair he lost energy on his hand and he fell on his back, coincidentally his head turned toward the wall that Raphael is messing around with, there is written "NOT RECYCLEABLE".

At a moment his mind blacked before Mario flipped himself so his chest would face the floor with newly burning rage, he wanted to try to crawl toward the door to bang on it but he didn't have anymore energy left, he only managed to move several centimeter from where the phone is before he plopped down on the floor alive but the only thing he could do with his fading consciousness is wait, wait for his death.


I walked out from Mario's room before going downstairs and taking the bus, hmm… ah yeah I was about to visit Yani right, he also live alone in small one room apartment like me and Mario too right.

Raphael smiled at the word, "Alone".

At the bus I turned on my phone before I called Yani and saying to him I was about to visit, 'really I have to view female friends, Christine and Patricia, and Silica too, well she is my girlfriend.' I thought as I read novels that I rarely read now.


When I walked down from the buss and I walked toward the apartment, I already saw Yani waiting for me. Upon seeing me, he waved with an awkward smile on his face.

"Hey, Raphael, so you are visiting for some games or what? You want to borrow my hard-disk?" Yani asked as he and I walked upstairs while he lowered his head slightly the whole time just like the usual.

"Yani, let's play that new game you bought, I rarely played any game so I didn't buy any of the newest game console!" I replied with a smile on my face excited playing with N*tendo Sw*tch or PZ4 with him.

"Yeah I got new multiplayer game, I haven't tried it yet too." Yani said.

"It's unusual, you usually immediately played any new game you bought." It was the usual conversation I had why did it felt so weird I wonder.

"well I was just trying to sleep early for once but I couldn't just sleep."

The conversation goes on until they reached Yani's room, as Yani opened the door and entered, Raphael entered too closing the door behind him.

"Ah! I forgot to save!" Yani said as he run off toward his N*tendo Sw*tch, ignoring Raphael's presence for a moment.

Just as after Yani hurriedly saved the game and was about to turn around saying sorry, he felt an immense pain on the back of his head before he passed out, Raphael stood behind the unconscious Yani with the handle of his dagger facing Yani and with the other hand reaching toward the N*tendo Sw*tch.


Yani woke up with some headache, 'did I fell asleep in the middle of game again.', he tried to get up he couldn't he felt a great restriction on his hands and on his legs, he was about to shout but he noticed that his mouth was taped shut.

Yani panickily looked around, the first thing he saw was his hands or to be precise his free index finger and thumbs on both hand while his arms was tied together and some rope was connected to behind him, by the tug on his leg, he can tell his legs is bound too and the rope that is going behind him is tied to his bound legs, he can see two of them with each on his shoulder.

Finally, on the corner of his eyes he finally saw Raphael playing with his N*tendo Sw*tch. Seeing this he tried to shout while wiggling around finally catching Raphael's attention.

"Yani, I was just playing with your N*tendo Sw*tch while you sleep. It seems you woke up Raphael noticed that your always looked guilty when you are with Raphael, well sometimes not, but Raphael now know, so Raphael know why you felt guilty, since you have been nice to Raphael, Raphael will give you a chance." Raphael said as he carried down Yani from his bed to the floor.

"You see there, there is a lot of obstacles and Yani will have to reach the phone to call the ambulance or anyone, just think this is a game, a game that Raphael made for Yani, Yani liked games right, so the time limit is until you bleed out." Yani heard before he felt a burning pain from the back of his thighs.

"So Yani, good luck, don't bleed out, I would be a little sad if you died , so Raphael is cheering on you." Raphael said as walked out from the room but before he closed the door "Ah, yes I am borrowing your N*tendo Sw*tch." And he locked the door, leaving Yani with the boxes obstacles, tape, and many more.


I was playing with the N*tendo Sw*tch that I borrowed from Yani on the bus as he went to Dino's house.

Dino lived together with his family so I will have to invite him somewhere, where will it be fun, we will be having fun together after all.

It was easy to convince Dino, I just have to say Charles send me to him and without any doubt he followed me on to the taxi while I was playing with the N*tendo Sw*tch and Dino is observing me, seeing how I just played with it he relaxed and wondered why would Charles send Raphael to him and asked him to go to the rumored haunted house.

When they reached there, they entered there together. With Raphael in the lead and Dino , Raphael lead Dino to the second floor where the floor is mostly decayed and the windows is covered with some cloth.

Upon arriving at the second floor all the sudden Raphael turned around and punched Dino on the guts, and once again punched him in the guts until Dino collapsed on the floor, Raphael then slashed Dino's Achilles's hell and the back of his knee, as Dino screamed in pain Raphael sliced the tendon on Dino's hand before he dragged the screaming Dino carefully trough the solid floor before he set Dino down in the middle of the floor.

"Dino, Dino! Listen here Dino didn't have much time since you are bleeding out, so Raphael will be quick, Dino will have to take your phone that I placed just before the stair to downstairs so you can call for help, so that you can live okay, Dino?" Raphael said as he slapped Dino's cheek lightly.

Raphael then walked off leaving the screaming Dino, before he took of the cloth that covered one of the windows, making sunlight shine into the room, shining at the wooden staircase. Raphael bend down carving something on the first stair before he placed the phone before the stairs.

Just like how Mario is, with the blood loss instead of the breathless situations, still they gave the same result, decreasing Mario and Dino's thinking ability. Feeling the blood flowing out from his body and his body feeling colder and colder while his consciousness grew blurry, Dino grew desperate he didn't think what could have caused this situation, he didn't regret the thing he didn't know. Now he only singe mindedly focused on surviving, if there is even a chance that is.

Using his elbow, he dragged his body toward the stairways, he didn't even notice the fact that the floor that he transverse sunk slightly, he wanted to push using his legs too but he can't. in the middle of his dragging he managed to use his elbow and his thighs to push his body up and semi-crawled toward the staircase. Just a meter away he felt his body grew weaker and he fell to the floor, he desperately dragged his body and he finally arrived next to the phone.

Just like how Mario ended he when he felt very anemic, he saw that the phone no longer has the battery and on the first stair that Raphael carved on with the light from the window shining on it, the carving was clear on Dino's eye "NOT RECYCLEABLE"

Next Raphael visited Mirio and Kashi, Raphael replicated what he did with Yani on Mirio and Kashi albeit with less obstacles or there is just plain no obstacle but when Raphael switched out and begin to talk Kashi managed to react to his weird speech pattern faster than Mirio and Yani, so he asked.

"Yo, Raphael what's with that speech pattern, you are not a cute and beautiful girl, using that speech pattern is kind of disgusting you know."

And as the reward Raphael slapped him awake just as soon, he is tied up, Then? Raphael ordering Kashi to masturbate using the cucumber and his asshole until he cum, at first Kashi blankly starred at Raphael but when Raphael threatened to cut off Kashi's dick he complied reluctantly , of course Raphael didn't watch and played Nite*do Sw*tch, thankfully his dick that brushed against the bedsheet allowing him to cum.

When Michael come out to see Kashi again, Kashi was knocked out and he was left like than with cucumber that still is sticking out from his cut which Raphael kicked and it broke leaving the former half firmly stuck inside Kashi's asshole, thankfully because of this he didn't suffer anything except the video of him doing that recorded using his own phone, spread using anonymous account, so left with no obstacle, wounds, Kashi was left there tied up.

Around the same time with at most dozen minutes difference the three of them, managed to call ambulances and saw the word on the wall or the floor left behind by Raphael "RECYCLEABLE?"