Sometimes Urashima Keitarou, really hate himself by become one of Urashima Clan member. Because according to the clan rules, he need to help every member of the clan who need his help if he have a power beyond middle grandmaster level. Keitarou did not mind helping other clan member, because there is nothing wrong in helping someone.
But when Haruka calling him and say she need his help in taking care Naru with her stupid terorrist group who was right now invading Hinata Sou. Keitarou deeply sighing and feel really lazy to help his young aunt/cousin because he must to faces the girl he did not like the most.
Right after Naru was stopped by Haruka, she immediately push the emergency calling number on her smartphones. To call for a help from her subordinate in her organization. Naru knew how strong Haruka is, but alot of her subordinate was an expert in close combat and military. So Naru was sure if she can send hundred of veteran in battlefield to Hinata Sou, not even Haruka can withstand them.
And just like Naru has predicted not even a fighter at grandmaster realm like Haruka can face hundred of veteran mercenaries at the same time.
She maybe can fight them all if it one by one but sadly Haruka must to face hundred of them at the same time. Haruka is succed defeating atleast fifty or more but because of it she lost a lot of Ki, so she was forced to activated the Bounded Field that surround the Hinata Hills and Hinata Sou. Naru and her subordinate cannot escape from the Hills while Haruka and the other tenant of Hinata Sou cannot get out from Hinata Sou.
"Sigh, when Haruka are calling me for help, I did not expect that I must to face fifty mercenaries that call them selves the brother," Keitarou said while beating fifty mercenaries at the same times without putting any effort at all. "She can beat an enemies at this level alone even without my help at all. Why did she must to make me going to Hinata sou!"
"Haruka-san , Keitarou-san beating all of those mercenaries without having a hard time at all while you beating half of them almost losing all of your power and stamina," Kitsune said while gulping. "Just like you said, he really are on a different level from you."
"Those mercenaries are professional, but Keitarou are more professional than them because of his experience with bounty hunting and participating in war when he was younger," Haruka said while sitting on the top of Naru body who already chained by Haruka with her mouth are close by a duchtape. "They are not a match for Keitarou."
"So because the problem about mercenaries already over, what would you do with Naru-Senpai and her evil plan?" Asked Shinobu.
"Her mind was corrupted by her hate to a men too much so she need a professional help to corrected her corrupted mind," Answered Haruka. "But with how stubborn Naru is, I'm not sure a professional help would work for her."
"Release me at once! Haruka-san! Did you know that I was on the mission to save the world from a disaster call a male! All the male in this world must be destroyed no matter what! Because female was the true ruler of the world not a male! And I would be a queen who will be on the top of the world with Seta-san as my King!"
Naru was chained by Haruka with anti gravity chain that cannot be cut or break and can only be release by special key. Not even Motoko or Suu can help Naru.
Motoko who have a deep hatred to a male because of her brother in law just realized how crazy Naru is. And slowly changing her mind from a girl who only hate her brother in law to a girl who hate all the male in the world. Motoko feel relieved that Naru was stopped right on time or maybe she was sure she would ended up like Naru. She maybe hate her brother in law, but even Motoko are sane enough to realize that without a male a female cannot exist.
"Shut up you crazy girl, soon a very professional expert psycholog would come here and give a treatment for you, Motoko and Suu. Because the three of you are having a serious psychological problem that must be treated immediately!" Haruka shouted making Naru feel scared. "I had enough with the madness that the three of you bring to Hinata Sou!"
After taking care a little problem in Hinata Sou, Keitarou immediately going back home to his apartement. But when he already half way to his apartement, he met with Mutsumi who was not in her real form but in the form of Lady Maid a mermaid with blue green hair that have a giant pair of breast and wearing a glassess with circle lens. The thing that made Keitarou confused was, Lady Maid are a mermaid so why she can have leg and have normal ears.
"Ah Kei-kun! I have been waiting you here for ten minutes! Finally you appear in front of me!" Mutsumi said while smiling to Keitarou. "There are something that I want to discuss with you about the template card."
"Looking you in that forms I guess your fusion progress with the cards was about one hundred percent and you did not have a way to going back to your real forms right Mutsumi-chan?" Asked Keitarou.
"Well your guess was right Kei-kun, because I my self have having the blood of Otohime from Ryuugu palace. In a week I can fused with the template card fully, and I can even change my tail into a leg freely. But I cannot changing back into my real form," Answered Mutsumi with a sigh. "Can you make me changing back into my old form, Kei-kun. Or I cannot participated in Todai exam, I would like a stupid cosplayer if I going to the exam in this form!"
"Eh, Mutsumi I can easily fix your problem. But are you realized that you are talking in a different way than you used to be right now?" Asked Keitarou who trying to find out why Mutsumi way of talking are so different right now.
"Yeah, I realized about it since I have fused completely with the card, I was no longer an air headed girl but can we please talking about my change later? Because I really want to be the real me right now!" Answered Mutsumi who look angry because of Keitarou question.
"Oh, well tap your middle chest five times and then you would be changing back to your real forms. The card already fused with you one hundred percent so it can be taking out from your soul. But by tapping your middle chest five times the transformation effect would be neutralized and you would be back to your real forms this is according to the Template Card rule book that I buy from the Chat Group shop," Keitarou said explaining to Mutsumi.
Mutsumi then doing what Keitarou told him, and in an instant Otohime Mutsumi are changing back to her real form. When Mutsumi see that her long black hair are back and her hair are no longer in double bun style with green color. She feel relieved because for her, the black hair was the best color for her hair.
"Ara ara tapping chest five times to going back to my real form are really weird," Mutsumi said who start to talk normally the way she used to be. "The rule of the Template card is really weird."
"I was not the one who made the card or the rule so please do not asking me why the rule are so weird," Keitarou said with a sigh.
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