Chapter 167: Power Of Love

"Yes. I had a hard time finding out the sponsor as they seemed to be wanting to hide their identity no matter what, but I found out the lead that they sent the money in Korean currency."

Wang Li Lei's steps stopped. "Korean currency?"

Not Chinese or Dollar but Korean currency? The school was made only for Chinese students and from the background research that he performed in Xiao Yun's school no students had any relation or foreigner parents. Especially Korean. 

Jang Hyun replied with a short yes and continued again, "-After following the leads, I found the bank account that sent the money named Zheng Xi Shi." 

"Have you investigate his background?" 

"Yes." Jang Hyun paused his fingers down from the tablet on his hand, his eye stuck on the screen turning his voice tense. "Master, I think there's something deep in this. It wasn't any normal person who sponsored the young lady's school trip, this person is Choi Group's young Head second-in-command."