Chapter 178: Because I Missed Her Too Much

"You did all this only to bring me home?" Choi Kang So asked as the arrived in the car. "Making sure that her school would hold a school trip to smoke me out and then letting your subordinate to blabbers of your coming here?" his smirks with sarcasm.

"You can say that." Choi Yeon Jun fixed the black gloves on his hand that became loose and saw Zheng Xi Shi and Chengye his second-in-command walking behind.

"He came." Chengye spokes laying his hand over his head. "He's quite a quick one, you know? The whole park has his subordinates swarming all over after only a slight hint that the young lady is being followed."

"We should go now, master." Zheng Xi Shi kept his calm decision.

Ignoring his brother's subordinate's report, Choi Kang So continued. "Why did you do it in such a roundabout way?" Choi Kang So saw him lifting his brow and continued. "You know many other than way than this to bring me back without having to involve Nuna."