Chapter 183: Day and Night

"Perhaps if you don't know the cooperation, you would better know Mu Lan Music Hall." 

Xiao Yun jumped from the sudden voice coming across her shoulder and hugged Wang Li Lei's waist to jump back. The man who spoke smiled gently making the beauty spot under his lips to show. He had a high nose, elegant feature, gentle strong black eyes, and very pale skin as white as snow. He was exceedingly beautiful yet the way he smiles had some mischievous in it. He looked like someone who hates boredom and lingered in amusement. 

"Did I surprised you? My apologies." Xiao Yun gave a murmur of uh and kept her distance from the man. 

Wang Li Lei placed his hand over Xiao Yun to guard her and furrowed his brows at his senior who was currently chuckling happily from his reaction. "Don't be too angry, little Lei. I'm not going to do anything." Liu Yan Hui spoke in a laid-back tone, making Xiao Yun to mark him as a rather easy-going person.