Chapter 208: Socialite’s Conversation-I

"Please take a seat, Ms. Yu." Wang Yan Zhi spoke from the seat. Placing the teacup in a clinking sound, she held a disappointment on her eyes to Xiao Yun for being late.

"Thank you." Xiao Yun replied to take a seat on the empty chair.

Talking now would be her disadvantage, Xiao Yun noted from the atmosphere. She could see how close Wang Yan Zhi was to Lin Chang Lu as they sat beside each other while she sat across her. Another lady sitting next beside Lin Chang Lu and Wang Yan Zhi, was a woman whose face bore a little resemblance to Wang Li Lei. Xiao Yun knew the woman very well, she is Wang Li Lei's cousin, Wang Shi Ning. In the past, Xiao Yun and her often clashed at each other due to how similar their personality was. Spoiled and stubbornly foolish. Xiao Yun sighed, because of Choi Yeon Jun's hypnosis, her IQ grew less like that of a mouse. It was a dark past and also the past who made her as she is now.